I just wanted to write a little post of recommendation about late night showers in the dark (I recommend candles or spa lights for those with balance problems*)
Nothing beats them for having a bit of "me-time" and soothing away the ache in the shoulder from holding a pencil all day!
Try it...you know you want to
*I can not be held responsible for people who fall over/hit their heads/do this whilst drunk/ or naturally have a lack of control of the limbs.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The Late Night Shower Appreciation Society
Posted by
11:32 pm
requests for silence
Advent Calendars
Another productive day in the borough...not!
I'm behind on my major project, but all I seem to do is work - I wonder if Facebook is ruining my productivity...
A special thank you goes to Kate who bought me an advent calendar coz my Mummy never let me have one!
I'm now looking forward to mingling with all the poor Third years on Friday at our course social.
I can't wait to see everyone costumes (and rather hoping I'm not the only one dressed up!)
It should be a laugh! *rubs hands together gleefully*
Until then, I need to work...concept generation here I come...
Think I'll break for Neighbours first...
Posted by
4:51 pm
requests for silence
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I know where you live....
Little do you readers suspect...but I am a stalker.
Yes I know where you live...each and everyone one of you.
So a big hello goes out to the people who keep coming back who live in...(you can say hello back and make me feel like I have some friends if you want...)
St Helen's Staffordshire
Egham/Slough (I have a feeling that might be a loverly girl called Nat)
Lambeth (London)
Bletchley, Milton Keynes
ok, ok if you are really freaked out, you can actually have a look at the info yourself.
If you click on the counter at the every bottom of the page you can see all the details about the visitors to the site!
**I'm not a stalker, honest, although I'm aware that is what all stalkers say...**
Posted by
5:01 pm
requests for silence
The Christmas Tree Fairy
The last few days have been a bit hectic, I've been running around trying to achieve about 4 billion things at once and seemingly getting nowhere!
I'm so sick of being a student, I'm missing out on getting paid, boy, I can't wait to leave Lufbra!
She's been good to me, but I've outgrown her now, I need to move onwards and upwards.
I have a lot to offer people but I just don't feel I can do all that here - its too incestuous and everyone knows too much.
I've always been the same - at about this point in school I was so chomping at the bit to get out so I'm kinda excited about it too. I spoke to an old mate this morning tho, and he's still looking for a job and has down graded his hopes to a Project management job, it sucks!
Hence why I can't wait to get away and meet new people
Well I've done zero work today - I've been busy sorting out my fancy dress costume for Friday night...Christmas Tree Fairy, here I come...!
I wonder if I should have a small Christmas Tree attached to my bum...
Posted by
3:31 pm
requests for silence
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
A Man about a Dog
**Firstly, hello to anyone who has seen this blog on my MSN name, its boring, but feel free to have a read ;)...I have deleted one post as it reveals too much about other people!**
Well its another new day in the Big L and I'm not feeling too great.
Struggling with the workload as usual, I have a "date" with Mazim the (Iraqi) electronics guy.
I have a feeling I'm going to have to let him touch my leg in return for some help - Yes I really will pimp my body for the sake of my degree - I call it Dedication.
I'm also going to see a man about a dog...*ahem*...wind turbine - but I don't know what I'm going to ask him... :S
I was sending out some emails yesterday but no-one told me that one of our tutors (that we all find a little difficult) had been CCed in - how glad am I that I didn't call him by his (rather unflattering) nickname...its was a close shave...!
Right off to the labs for more heated blanket fun!
**saw this and was reminded how cheeky (ex)students can be...**
Posted by
8:56 am
requests for silence
Monday, November 27, 2006
I've started to feel like I'm not as witty as I could be on here and its giving me a lack in confidence...
**Normal service resumed soon**
Posted by
7:44 pm
1 requests for silence
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Busy Bee
This is just a quick post for today - my old housemate Hayley is coming to visit for the evening which will probably mean copious amounts of drinking (lemonade for me), flirting and staying out late!
I've got to get a bit of work done before she arrives tho, and I have to go into town to get a few bits and pieces - oooo what a fun like I lead ;) oh yeah and the cement...
better crack on
Posted by
10:33 am
requests for silence
Friday, November 24, 2006
A Brand New Day, or is it....
Another bright new day has dawned and it really doesn't feel bright so I'm wondering if its really new too - maybe its a second hand day...
I'm sat in my room waiting for some people to come and see round the house - it's that time of year again when all the little freshers have to find houses for the next academic year - yes we're on the ball here in the big L and do things a little before the rest of the world!
I've bought a couple of heated car seats off the internet/eBay - I'm going to bastardise them for parts for the heated seat, but I need a few to see which one will be best and run tests on them with concrete slabs - which Kate has kindly agreed to help me with in the form of giving me a lift to B&Q...I know I'm strong, but I don't think I'll manage 2 miles carrying a 25Kg bag of cement....
I have my first "free" day since starting Uni 4 years ago, today...I actually have no more lectures scheduled for Fridays.
This is the first time its happened to me - I seem to be the unlucky one who always got the awkward schedule of 1 hour here, and 2 hours there and never had a day "off", whereas Isabelle has had Wednesdays and Fridays off since the start of this term and is now down to just going in on Mondays and Tuesdays! The cheek!
I'm also finally going to start designing today or tomorrow.
So far this term we've all been running around doing research and trying to get the RSA finished (which we didn't exactly have much designing on) that none of us have actually done any design! I have a bit of documentation to finish (and some flash interfacing) and then I'll be let loose on the designing! WOOOOOOO
I also found out for the submission after Christmas, that I don't need to do engineering drawings of my chosen concept, but I do have to have a range of ideas, filtered down to a final 3 or 4, then have a chosen concept that is pretty much fully developed with CAD models, 3D models and sketch models
(CAD are the computerised models, 3D models can be made out of blue foam and are little mini models that give you an idea of form and help visualise...they only take about half a day to knock out and you can do loads all the way through the design process, so you know where you're at, and sketch models can be the foam models, or made of card showing working parts and proving the mechanics)
I will also need to have computer modeled circuit diagrams that illustrate the circuit and prove that it works theoretically.
Not much to do, so I'd better not stand here and chat...
Posted by
9:13 am
requests for silence
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Today has been an odd day - in some ways I got a lot done - firming up in my mind what i need to complete for my major project, but in other ways it feels like I did nothing - it seems like I spent hours wandering around today - walking to and from lectures, labs, home, friends houses. I feel a little nomadic today.
I really want to travel at some point in my life, I know I will only ever resent whatever it is that prevents me doing so. A job, a man, children. So I think realistically I should travel sooner rather than later, as I'm less likely to have those ties. I feel held back here.
But on days when all I crave is my own home, I worry that I'll never enjoy travelling.
I remember when I used to travel with work, on my own in a hotel room in Belgium, and each trip would feel endlessly enduring, even though it may have been no more than 36 hours door to door.
I hated hotel loneliness, and I hated not being able to speak the language, and having to muddle my way through the customs on my own. When I travel alone nothing feels fun anymore - a faux pas made with friends can be laughed off all the way to the next destination and can become an "in joke".
Made on your own and it becomes a cringeworthy reminder of your ineptitude.
So its days like today that I just want to hide back in my own little corner of the world, and days like these that panic me into thinking I'll hate every minute of my future travels.
**On a brighter note, the artiste formerly known as "David" has started a blog at my encouragement...**
Posted by
9:21 pm
requests for silence
Monday, November 20, 2006
I think I'm getting an eye infection - I had one earlier on this term.
I wonder if it's to do with wearing eyeliner, then late at night when I am still working but haven't taken my makeup off, that rubbing my eyes is making it bad?
(that was the worst English ever!)
**On an upside, I have finished the website part of my "Internet and Interface" module - just have to do a flash tutorial on how to use an Opel's in-car entertainment system...**
I also finally installed our internet at the house - 2 months after moving in, so I have scored yet more Housemate Points, as they finally have a stable (non piggybacked) connection!
I scored a fair few Housemate Points at the weekend going to watch Kate play hockey in the freezing cold - then a girl got hit in the face with a stick - ended up with a huge pool of blood, and flesh hanging off her face - needless to say it must have brightened up the Ambulance Service's Saturday morning, as at one point there were 7 of them on the scene...
50 stitches and 3 hours of surgery later and apparently the hardest thing about it is that she can't eat bread...it gets stuck, apparently...
sweet dreams
Posted by
9:46 pm
requests for silence
Saturday, November 18, 2006
"The Dark Side"
I went to see Bond last night, and I was tempted to come back and write a post immediately...
**I will try not to spoil it for people who haven't seen it**
I loved it, it was gritty, vulnerable, almost real, and I did think in parts the cinematography was almost French Arthouse (one of my favourite genres of film) - I'm thinking the black and white beginning with flashbacks, and the point when Bond is vulnerable half way through the film you see it from inside his mind, it really made you believe it and get a lot more involved than the previous films.
I was also suitably impressed that they used the creator of Parkour, Sebastien Foucan, in the opening chase scene, proving that this film really has it's finger on the pulse of popular culture - I've loved watching all the Parkour films, since I first discovered them on their website about 5 years ago.
Was I also imagining style references to CSI?...I mean the flow, style of the storyline - it was almost a murder mystery with twists etc.
The baddies were bad, but where they really bad, or just the "intermediately" bad? The goodies were good, or were they?
It really got me guessing, and I was on the edge of my seat most of the film, but...
**there's always a but**
The problem with Bond films, and this one in particular, I come out of the cinema and I strut, I get all "bad-ass" and the "dark-side" of my personality comes out, I stop taking shit, and I become a bit distant and moody.
Laugh all you want - but I end up imagining I'm Bond.
This was all fairly embarrassing and I wouldn't have admitted it until Kate and Sam came home from seeing a later viewing...
Kate crawled through the back gate and jumped into the house singing the original Bond theme tune with her hands in a pistol shape, strutting around the house shooting Sam and I.
Sam then informed me she'd done that all the way home, hiding behind trees etc. He looked embarrassed to be seen with her
At least I didn't take it that far...
**Only spotted 7 product placements, I had been warned that it was a complete sell out to commercialisation, but I was happy to see Bond had my Sony Ericsson phone (although he had a groovy silver one...I WANT IT)**
Posted by
7:57 am
requests for silence
Friday, November 17, 2006
As Promised...
...here are the images from my RSA Wellbeing project
Its a wall installation (plus glowing remote) that emits gentle light and aroma to distract the user from the pain of their allergies, while their medication comes into effect, thus relaxing them and getting them back off to sleep quicker.
I need to rework the renderings, I'm not happy with them, but they'll do for now!© ERA
Posted by
3:59 pm
requests for silence
Actions and Consequences
We went out last night to celebrate handing in RSA, not the best night I've had in a while - mostly due to the fact that the cash point rather flatly but firmly told me to p*ss off, therefore equaling little opportunity to actually enjoy myself...
...that little situation may have something to do with the beautiful new shoes I bought......which, although beautiful, had the nasty side-effect of killing my feet, so much so that I swapped my shoes with one of the guys from my course (who has worryingly small feet for a man, and enjoyed prancing round the bar in glittery 4 inch stilettos just that little bit too much...)
So today I was a little hungover, not much but mostly just knackered. I had to walk up to Engineering to hand in some coursework, so thats now 16 credits down, 104 to go before I complete my degree...every little helps!
The stroll was nice, breezy as ever in the Big L, but also the colours on the trees were just beautiful. It's the first time I've noticed them this year, maybe because I've had my head down working so hard, but it cheered me up immensely!
I've also decided that I want to be a demolishon worker - they're knocking down a building at uni with a big ball on a chain, hanging from a crane - real old school, but talk about a fantastic way to relieve stress!
I'm also very excited, I'm going to see the new Bond movie tonight, I'm going on my own and it should be fantastic! I love going to the movies on my own - it means that I can have a bit of metime which I need at the moment, I'm just so tired, and also a bit pissed off with someone.
This person has really wound me up. Yesterday at hand in, he was running late, so myself and Terry ushered him in, I started pinning up his display boards, Terry filled out the paperwork, and he just stood there and sulked, didn't say thank you and then walked off without even a hint of appreciation for the effort we'd made to help out a mate - I could quite easily have just left him to struggle along and miss the deadline - which is weighted enough to mean that a failed submission would fail the module...thus ruining your degree.
I need a few days to cool off on that I think!
I will post the images of my RSA in another post...
Posted by
2:22 pm
requests for silence
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Nap Time
It seems like an age since I last posted even though it has only been 3 days.
Let me tell you why. I have just handed in my RSA Wellbeing project.
Previous to this from Sunday to Tuesday...
I had 6 hours sleep
I drank 43 cups of tea
I had no showers
I didn't brush my teeth
I had one meal
I wore the same clothes
I sat in the same seat, for 20 hours straight at some stages
I couldn't have any music because my iPod ran out of battery and my computer couldn't do more than 1 thing at once
I had no internet
This is why it felt so long.
I'm pleased to report that I was ready for hand in 16 hours before the deadline, and since finishing, I have showered, ate, washed, brushed changed clothes and slept.
I'm still shattered and seem to have taken on the thousand yard stare, I am assured this will subside with time
Now I am going to eat, watch Neighbours, have a nap and then Isabelle and I are going into town for a bit of clothes shopping, before heading out tonight for a few drinks - I know I'll need a bit more sleep if I'm going to last past 9pm
I will post images of my boards tomorrow I think, for now I never want to see that project again!
*nap time*
Posted by
1:28 pm
requests for silence
Monday, November 13, 2006
"That were crap"
Hello hello
How are you this morning? (feel free to reply into the comments box - it would be nice to think that someone reads this...!)
CAD is going ok, only I can't perform a couple of functions which has screwed my work - I bet if I ask Mark (when he eventually wakes up) he'll be able to tell me in 3 seconds, and that will be another half day wasted, stuck against a brick wall.
I hate having to rely on people to help me out at the moment, but I'm learning new software so I can't really manage on my own!
Mark pointed out yesterday that he doesn't want to help people coz he wants a good degree, I pointed out he was helping me, and he let slip that he doesn't see me as a threat.
Great. Even my mates think I'm crap.
I think I'll be ace once I've had a year in industry, learnt the ropes a bit better and improved my design process - maybe milk drinks were a bad idea...??
I'm fairly stoical about it, I will get there in the end, and I know that eventually I'll have the confidence to feel that I can hold my own, although I'm not sure if it will be in design.
Accenture here I come...
It's looking cold and windy out, I don't want to go to my lecture...
Posted by
8:59 am
1 requests for silence
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Still no sign of her ever finishing...
*jumping up and down*
Posted by
10:40 am
requests for silence
Kate is in the shower, and I need a wee
*Crosses legs*
Posted by
10:35 am
requests for silence
What is CAD?
hmmm Sunday morning. My favourite :D
I've started cooking and baking on Sunday mornings instead of work, I get up and clean the house too, and I actually really enjoy it, I know it sounds like work, but its my one morning a week that I set aside not to work.
I still have loads to do, but not just right now.
I'm downloading Lost too, I can't do that when I'm CADing as my computer needs full memory for the mathematical computations (long word on a Sunday morning...)
I'm going to pop to Sainsburys and pick up all the ingredients for a chocolate and stout cake, I'm making one for Mark, coz he's helping with the Rhino/3D StudioMax, and one for Terry who is providing more Rhino help.
Tip of the Week: Bake for people - it guilt-trips them into helping you
For the non designers out there....
Rhino is a 3D CAD (computer aided design) package, that you make your product in 3D, in layman's terms, its like getting a big lump of plasticine and making a little model out of it, of what you want your product to look like, only on the computer.
3D StudioMax is what companies like Pixar use to animate their movies. You add colour to the models and then render them, which is producing high definition images or Jpegs, that you can then present.
It sounds like such a waste - all that work for 1 picture, but of course once you've modeled it, you can have infinite images in a few clicks of a mouse, change colours around - you can't do that with a drawing.
The 3D models also helps clients and non-designers visualise what it will look like, as they can spin it round etc - otherwise they can find it difficult to understand shape and form with only 2D hand drawn sketches.
Well the cake needs a baking woop!
smell yas laters aligators
Posted by
10:07 am
requests for silence
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Monsoon Skirts
I've just bought this skirt off eBay - a bargainous £35.28, instead of the £75 it was in the Monsoon shop - plus its limited edition, and pure silk - oh I'm happy now!
I just need to find an excuse to wear it - I'm thinking next week for the hand in - weather dependant!
I should curb my Monsoon addiction!
Back to the CAD....
Fact of the Post: I don't know if I can be bothered to "Fact of the Post" anymore...
Posted by
4:53 pm
requests for silence
A Fool Tampers with Her Coding
Ahhhhhh *sigh*
All really is back to normal now. And that'll teach me to tinker with the html code from the page source information, instead of the template code.
For those who have no idea about html and what I'm talking about - I shall now try to explain
**eyes glazing over**
Html is the language that websites are written in, and you can have a quick look at any source code if you go to View>Source in IE, or View>Page Source in Firefox.
If you copy and paste that source data into a web-editor like Microsoft FrontPage, you can edit it and make changes - however on a site like a blog (or news site) where the content changes regularly, you have "dynamic tags".
Dynamic tags give instructions to the browsers to take the newest information from the server (like new posts). On this site it means that my most recent posts appear.
However if you edit the Page Source code, this just uses what has appeared on the site - so the actual text for each post, not the dynamic tags.
When I made my changes, I edited the Page Source code, thus removing all the dynamic tags, meaning that the page content was no longer dynamic, but static, just showing the content from the point in time that I copied the content for editing.
This probably makes no sense at all, but at least I feel like I tried....
CADing is going ok, my tutors didn't like my newest work, but I've taken the attitude to screw them!
I just need to make sure my boards make my product work, and make them work for me!
I'm also looking forward to the new James Bond film, it should be good - I was never a real fan of the "polished" Bond - having read the books, it was really annoying to see that the imperfections in his character were glossed over and the fact that he regularly got drunk in the books and cried were disregarded.
Well I'm not expecting that in full force, but it'll be great to see Bond get back to basics!
I'm going out for dinner tonight with Isabelle and her housemates (I think!) so that'll be a nice break!
had better get back to it
Hugs and kisses xx
Fact of the Post: It seems right and fitting that we remember our dead - god knows what I would have been like if I had lost my father in any conflict.
Posted by
2:11 pm
requests for silence
test 2
I've been having some technical difficulties over the last few days, meaning none of my posts have been updating
Posted by
1:29 pm
requests for silence
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Just a quick one this morning, to say that all seems to be back to normal(ish) on my blog - there were a scary few mins when I couldn't get rid of the orange background and green text I accidently edited into the html code!
I had the cook off last night - I won by a mile! so I am now the Winner, Victor, Queen of them All, and Mark is a complete LOSER!
Worryingly, the judge, Hilda, seems to think Mark and I act like an old married couple :S
But here's for the important news!
I think I have The Idea hehe YAY!
I'm going to see Isabelle this morning and check it over with her, see what she thinks but I think I've done it!
*watch this space for the moment when I think I Haven't got The Idea and the ensuing come-down*
Fact of the Post: My bolognese is better than Mark's!
**I have re-discovered The Bees and Ildewild, so I'm living in a retro Indie world at the moment, and it's great**
***I've taken comment moderation off too, as no-one seems to like commenting :(***
Posted by
8:50 am
requests for silence
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Apologies for the AWFUL look of the site - this is what happens when you let a designer who doesn't know anything about HTML at page code....
And who doesn't have enough time to change it back
Posted by
3:13 pm
requests for silence
I passed a mini-milestone today - I have now had over 200 hits on the blog - I have to say most must be me as I use the links on the side to get to my other favourite blogs!
I've finished my provisional boards for RSA, I just need to get an idea and CAD it up for which I've had a couple of offers of help - I'm feeling a little more in control today.
I got given a book at work called "Creative Block" and its a little block shaped book that has loads of ideas for kick starting your work again. It was this book that inspired me to write down how it felt to have a block and I think it helped!
I'm going to put on my boards when I've finished this project - provided I like them, just to give a bit of an update - its all very well me chatting away about my work - but whats the fun if you can's see it??
I will probably scan in all my development sheets too, so that you can see the design process a bit clearer, as I understand for non-designers it must be pretty impossible trying to figure out what the hell happens inside a designer's head.
I may even do a post on my design process - which is pretty individual but might give others an idea of what I do!
I'm also considering redesigning this page template at some stage - I really like the use of brown and green together in design...watch this space
I'm having a cook off tonight with Mark - he thinks he can beat me at spag bol - he'll be lucky!
*No rest for the wicked*
Fact of the Post: There are more English-speakers in India than anywhere else in the world
Posted by
2:46 pm
requests for silence
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Driving tests!
Firstly, Congratulations to my brother Steve! Well done for passing your driving test, 5th time lucky I say!
So another day has been and gone.
Its been a so-so day. I've managed to get some good ideas for concrete/cement use for prototyping, my seat, and even found some underfloor heating mesh from one of my tutors that I can test with, *saves me £120*.
My RSA isn't going so well, I'm feeling cut adrift today, Isabelle has finally hit on The Idea, its what we all aim for, you know it when you've got it, and I haven't. Its stressing me out and I feel like I have no direction at the moment. I'm going round in circles and getting nowhere, its incredibly frustrating.
I can't even put my presentation boards together yet coz it just doesn't feel right yet.
I don't know what to do. I guess this is what they call creative block...
Its very scary really, it makes me feel inadequate and small, insignificant and useless. It makes me feel like I'm not a proper designer, like I should have ideas all the time, and be able to deal with this and get on with it.
It plays on all my insecurities and that hurts.
I've got 9 days to crack this, CAD it up, render it, and present and that's not long - it'll take me at least 3 days to CAD it, at least another 3 to render out images, plus printing time and assembly...
*trying not to freak out*
I need to brainstorm with Isabelle but she's out tonight at a meeting, so it'll have to wait.
I need a glass of wine, but all I've got is cooking wine... hmmmmm not sure if I can handle that...
I'm actually starting to feel sick to my stomach, so much rides on me getting The Ideas this year, its too much to take - maybe I will just end up at Accenture after all.
Fact of the Post: Children are addicted to TV
Posted by
8:28 pm
requests for silence
Monday, November 06, 2006
Vaguely Interesting
Posting has been a bit thin on the ground at the moment, I'm working like crazy to finish all my website plans for an interim assignment on Friday, as well as catch up on loads of Heating seating stuff, and finish off the designs for my RSA.
I'm planning on choosing a design by the end of tomorrow, and having looked back at most of the suggestions, I have actually already designed most of them briefly anyway, so its not completely back to the drawing board.
But now onto the interesting stuff.
Mum and Dad came up this weekend, and it was really great to see them (although I could have done with some time to work!). Mum took me shopping so I'm all decked out in new togs :D
I cooked for them loads and I think they went away all stuffed to the brim, but thus achieving my aim of proving to them that I've finally sorted this whole living on my own thing (after 13 years...). They did however help me hang my beautiful Sari's and cover the front door so that looks good.
We went to the uni fireworks, which were mind-blowingly great, well worth the £4 it cost to get in - plus it entertained my parents on a Saturday night
I also feel like I haven't spoken to David in an age and I'm missing him like mad - it helps me just spilling all my stress to him - it's helping me keep sane by just being himself :)
Back to the work, and sticking my head in the sand.
Fact of the Post: IKEA sofa's in denim are RUBBISH
Posted by
8:56 pm
requests for silence
Saturday, November 04, 2006
The Good and The Bad
I've not posted in a while because I was getting ready for a critique I had on Thursday, then getting over it Thursday night, and getting over my hangover on Friday.
Not really conducive to work, but it was a tough day.
We had to stand up and do a short presentation to a tutor and about 8 other people. It was ok in the sense that I'm happy to stand up and do presentations with my eyes closed, but it was difficult having the work criticised - it went ok when I look back but it was an little bit of an attack - at least I know have some more feedback on the direction of my project - I just need to redesign it and CAD it up, which for me will be the hardest part - I haven't touched CAD for over a year now - the sooner I get a final design, the longer for me to CAD it.
Hmmmm interesting thoughts
I also had my interim report feedback on the heated seating - I scored a provisional 67, which I'm really please about (highest in my tutor group) and I got a few really great ideas from my tutor about how to illustrate it in user testing such as time-lapse film footage (yes I'm getting ahead of myself) but also how it would be a good idea to actually design my piece for a particular single location.
I've had some good suggestions, such as Nottingham City Centre, and in a square in Birmingham, but they're all very far away - I might end up doing it for Loughborough Town Centre, although that's not exactly inspirational!!
Apart from having to transport the seat to potentially Birmingham, I'd also have to make regular visits to understand wind movements, shade, and the urban landscape - unfortunately the further you have to travel, the more time you lose (and money you need) in doing these tasks.
Well it's somewhere to consider.
I've also got to decide if I really want my seating to be truly inclusive - do I really want wheelchair users transfering in public - their chairs might get stolen, etc. So my tutor gave me the idea to possibly create a warm space in conjunction with the seating for pushchairs and wheelchair users. Its a great idea, but once again pushes the sizings upwards!
I'm gonna get on with deeply sifting through the information and planning my next steps before Mummy and Daddy Munday get here!!
Fact of the Post: Coco Chanel invented the fashion to have tans...
Posted by
9:58 am
requests for silence
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
A few days ago I said how I was looking forward to sleeping better.
Well last night and the night before I woke crying hysterically because of what now seems to be a recurring dream.
I go to have a tattoo on the top of my arm (!) and then don't remember anything else. When I wake up in the dream, I have been tattooed all down my arm, all over my back and down the other arm.
I'm crying and totally freak out, all I can think of is how hideous I look and how no-one will ever want to touch me or stroke my back ever again. And knowing that my life will never be the same again has me wake up with a jolt, and I've actually been crying in my sleep and am totally hysterical.
Needless to say this isn't conducive to a good night's sleep.
Its funny tho, when you're little your nightmares are about monsters under the bed and getting lost or separated from your parents.
I haven't had nightmares for a long time since will before my teens, I really enjoyed the adrenaline rush of being chased by soldiers (seeming the only version of a nightmare I had).
And now this. Its strange, I never thought myself to be vain, but that's what it feels like this dream is about.
Or maybe its about taking a path down which there is no return, and being totally scared of the consequences, or making the wrong choice.
Either way it seems to have a deep resonance with me at the moment.
Fact of the Post: People living in Bath are the most likely to win Premium Bonds
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8:38 am
requests for silence