So, just as I vowed to post at least every other day, the internet went down and it took BT the ripe old time of 8 days to deliver a new router...nasty little people.
This week has been an odd juxtaposition of busy and quiet; work was quiet and filled with training courses on Monday/Tuesday, exploded with hectic activity on Wednesday and Thursday - by Friday I had nothing to do...well at least my Christmas cards have finally been designed and printed (I knew I needed some quiet time at work for something useful...)
On Friday night, myself, Mrs Landlady, T, The Others and He went out for drinks in town, after He finally arrived an hour late and we joined the rest of my house in town. The Others were being predictably grumpy and left fairly early - Mrs Landlady and T went off to see friends on their own, giving me and He time to chat. And we had a lovely time. He complimented me on my dress sense, telling me I'm the best and most original dressed he knows and that I'm tres cool. All things that are going to make me smile - flatter gets you miles with me.
Christmas presents have finally been bought - Stu had better love the present I got him, due to the hell I had to go through to get it - there will be severe words if he doesn't... Plus I managed to find Mum a good present, not what she wanted but comparable.
Only 2 downers at the moment - I broke the beautiful bracelet Mum gave me from Egypt and I still haven't dry cleaned my silk dress for Christmas - MUST remember to take it in this week and get the pliers out
Now playing: Amy Winehouse - You Sent Me Flying
via FoxyTunes out!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Posted by
3:18 pm
1 requests for silence
Thursday, December 06, 2007
So I've been bad and I've not updated my blog in ages, but to be honest nothing special enough is happening in my life really - I tend to whinge a lot on this blog, it's my outlet for boredom and unhappiness at times, but right now things are going so well. Maybe I shouldn't count my chickens before they've hatched - but the house is good - I have a remarkably good friendship with my housemates, I've got a great job that I love, and a social life that suits me fine.
Oh and I'm getting a pay rise and a promotion.
Exact dates for the promotion are not set in stone - I'm not allowed under company rules to be promoted until at least 6 months with the company but this week in my end of year review my boss told me it's not a matter of if, more a matter of when. The only thing that would stop me getting it would be if I fuck up royally, and *crossed fingers* I'm doing ok.
I'm supposed to be starting the French lessons tonight but an age old student behaviour has kicked back in - I'm putting it off by doing anything to avoid it! I will start it tonight tho (I have online learn as you go lessons)
The weekend was spent at home, or rather at Ikea getting things sorted for my new room at home - since moving out on a more permanent basis than uni, my room has been converted into my parent's office, but only on the condition that the redecoration of the new room would be under my supervision.
And it's gonna be awesome.
The Mothership is also coming over this weekend for a relaxing Sunday away from home - better stay away from the shops tho, far too busy for my liking.
Oh and did I tell you a perk of my keep myself fresh and creative I'm expected to go out on gallivanting days out to fun places to gain new ideas - tomorrow I'm on an all expenses paid trip to the rest of the London museums I'm on a mission to see!
There's only one downside to my life at the moment. He is away and I miss his company, although He's been emailing me while he's been away. He's a good companion for museum fun and general silliness, plus I actually like him as a person (reasonably rare for me to find people I don't just think are rather idiotic...)
Well He'll be back soon, and I hope He's missed me too...
Now playing: Kings Of Leon - Knocked Up
via FoxyTunes
Posted by
8:00 pm
1 requests for silence