The band last night were good, not sure they'll ever hit the big time, but if you're into The Feeling, crossed with Radiohead and the Fratellis, give them a bit of a listen...Air Traffic
I was a good night tho, nice to be out of Loughborough, and although I'm not familiar with Brum, it was nice having a tiny walk round, I even managed to seduce Nikki...(that's a joke!) and we all had a dance at the end to the cheesy 90's dance they put on, before wending our way home, where I noticed that if you close your eyes and relax, it feels like being in a bob-sleigh driving at 90 mph down county roads (thanks Rich)
I had a lovely lie in this morning and I'm going to start revising after I've watched neighbours, I was gonna get up early, but I'm enjoying the rest tbh. I also had a post that I constructed in my head last night, but I can't remember what it was now - one of those things you think of as you drift off to sleep, it all seems so clear then, but gone in the morning. Maybe it'll come back to me.
1. Listening to and rediscovering Radiohead, Fake Plastic Trees sends shivers down my spine and reminds me of summers long ago lying on the grass at school, dreaming about being a million miles away from that life, and now knowing that I've got away.
2. The prospect of having a humous jacket potato for lunch. I have a humous addiction I haven't fed for a long time.
3. Spending time on my own and relaxing in my own company. I'm the type of person who finds socialising enjoyable but draining and I have to balance every hour with other people, with 2 hours in blissful solitude.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The Gig and Fake Plastic Trees
Posted by
12:25 pm
requests for silence
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Bed, Blooming and Birmingham
1. Being able to lie in bed all day and relax
2. The pink roses coming out in bloom
3. Going to a gig tonight in Birmingham with "the gang", should be fun :)
Posted by
4:49 pm
requests for silence
Monday, January 29, 2007
Flower girl, sushi and Painting
1. Buying fresh flowers; pink roses and cream crystanths and taking time to arrange them in a vase
2. Having sushi for lunch, the wonderful complex flavours mingling in my mouth...lovely
3. Going out with a few mates for drinks at the Orange Tree, they've repainted in there - cream and forest green - and applied an Art Deco inspired textured wall paper under the dado rail. Sounds terrible, but looks great.
Posted by
9:23 pm
requests for silence
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Nuggets of Information...
...they make me giggle... how during the foot and mouth disaster of 2001, in Leicestershire, they came up with a novel (and environmentally sound) alternative to the pyre burning of the animals which characterised much of the countryside at the time...
...they ground them up to pellet size and ran the power stations off them...only the British...
Posted by
5:26 pm
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Blank, Brown and Confidence
1. My new 1m x 1m canvas. It hangs in its pure white state on my wall, waiting for inspiration (and the time) to be painted. In the mean time, it picks out the dirt on the cream textured walls of my rented room, and reminds me I want a home of my own so much.
2. Dying my hair again, getting rid of the "stupid blonde" and getting me back to being nice and dark
3. Completing an exam paper with minimal help from my notes. A few more read throughs and I'll feel confident enough to manage the exam tomorrow...passing exams is all about confidence
Posted by
10:25 am
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Married Men...a story from long ago
Having been reading the archives of "Girl with a one track mind"( I'm no pervert, just very very nosy!!) one of her posts (May 15, 2005 - which I can't work out how to link to) touched upon a situation that I found myself in a year ago or so...
She talks about how she is totally disgusted about guys who look at other women when they're with their partners and how its horrible for their relationship and thus how she hates to be on the receiving end of a taken man's advances.
Well it was my 21st birthday, but being a conscientious placement student, trying to work my way up that career ladder, instead of having a party of my own, I ended up in full evening gown at the IT dept Christmas Dinner (yes on the 13th Jan...what can I say...they're in IT) with my lovely (then) boyfriend.
Although I didn't get very drunk, quite a few of the students did, and we were causing a bit of mayhem I think, with all the oldies sitting and rolling their eyes, as we all ran around the Hilton and generally ripped up the dance floor (where the oldies were all waltzing...*yawn*).
Anyway, later on in the evening, we were all sitting at a table about 10 of us etc having a laugh and chatting (as you do) when this woman stormed up to me and (in words that have been lost in the mists of time) shouted at me something along the lines of...
"don't you dare you little minx, don't even think about going near my husband, I'm watching you..."
and stormed off, husband in tow.
I was completely in shock, as far as I was concerned I was having fun on my birthday with my boyfriend and mates, not having a care in the world. I didn't even work for that division so had no idea who "her man" was, and being slightly drunk anyway, I most certainly couldn't see past my hand to see who the little man in tow was! (I was assured later on by my housemate, that it was one of his colleagues, a balding 40-something)
We all sat there in shock, then burst out laughing (what else could we do?) and I was gob smacked - I genuinely didn't even know who this man was (and still to this day don't know his name) and to be perfectly honest, why would I have been eyeing up a 40-something, when I had my boyfriend with me???
And now, having read Girl's post, I now realise what might have happened. He was eyeing me up, she caught him, she either thought I was leading him on (to be honest there was a fair bit of saucy dancing with the you do), or wanted to make a point to him, that under no circumstances was this acceptable.
I vaguely recall her sneering at me and calling me a slut at some point later on (oh, how very dignified, darling...), but I have to admit I can't *really* remember exactly
Several months later, this same guy came to sort loads of my IT problems, however I didn't know it was "him" and could never work out why he was completely pathetic near me, stuttered, and went red (I assumed it was because I'm a fairly outspoken girl, and was generally abusing his poor IT skills, all in banter of course)...until Bodie told me who he was, it all became clear, and I feel a bit sorry for him now.
So the moral of the story is, don't look at other women when you're with your wife...
a) the other woman isn't interested;
b) they don't want the hassle of being beaten up by a desperate housewife;
c) its just not proper in polite society!
Posted by
9:20 am
requests for silence
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Rudeness, Soup and Exams
1. Discovering the blog of Abby Lee "Girl with a One Track Mind" - **not for the faint hearted**
2. Cooking leek and potato soup for dinner
3. Getting a bit happier about my exams
Posted by
7:48 pm
requests for silence
How to...
Days are mostly taken up with revision for my Recycling, Sustainability and Environmental Issues exam on Monday, which has been a mammoth undertaking, encompassing a wide variety of topics from nuclear power station design, to "How to Make Your Own Environmentally Friendly Landfill Site" (see below for your easy to follow step by step)
Most of the material is really quite interesting with nuggets of information that would be great for pub quizzes...
"what is scrap glass called?" (Cullet);
"when shredding cars, the 20% of unrecyclable materials left over is known as what?" (Fluff)
"what percentage of crude oil is used for the production of polymer based materials?" (4%)
However there is a lot of harder stuff, and I haven't even finished reading through the material, and I've not even touched any past papers...only 1 1/2 days to go...I get the feeling there will be a lot of blagging and crossed fingers...mind you last materials exam I took, I got 87%...they love me at IPTME (Institute of Polymer Technology and Materials Engineering)...
"How to Make Your Own Environmentally Friendly Landfill Site"
1. Find a large hole in the ground (preferably 1/4 mile x 1/4 mile x 1/4 mile, however a 7inch cake tin will suffice)
2. Line with sand
3. Line with neoprene sheeting (for catching horrible toxic metals from being absorbed into your cake tin)
4. Line with rubber sheeting to prevent puncture
5. Lay collection pipes over sheeting (to collect those pesky chemicals)
6. Install a pumphouse for processing of waste gases and water (a small matchbox will do for the cake tin model)
7. Start filling with all your junk (or a cake mix)
8. Intersperse with more piping and compress with bulldozers (or a rolling pin) to remove methane gas pockets
9. When full, cover with rubber sheeting, and topsoil (chocolate icing will do)
10. Allow to degrade for 6-10 years (or bake for 30 minutes for the cake tin version)
11. Compact again
12. Build a housing estate on top and power with the methane given off (or just eat it...)
Easy when you know how :)
**yes I'm mad**
Posted by
11:55 am
requests for silence
Friday, January 26, 2007
News and Support
They have been saying over the last few days etc, that this week was the most depressing week of the year, and I guess, fittingly I have discovered through the fountain of knowledge that is my mother, that one of my Aunts has been quite ill for nearly a year now, but she didn't tell anyone. She suffered in silence and only when it was too great for her, did she reach out.
She called my mum for a chat (they're not that close due to a nearly 20 year age difference), but it was during this call that she let it all spill out...only to find an understanding and willing ear on the other end of the line. She never knew that our little family group have struggled with this same illness for nearly 10 years.
I don't know what made her reach out, what triggered her to let it slip so to speak, but I'm so thankful she did. I think she has found support she never expected she'd receive from our family, and I hope that just the knowledge that there are people out there she knows living with it too, gives her the encouragement she needs to get through the difficult times and makes her realise she's not alone.
It makes you thankful for so many things
1. The anticipation of receiving Tegan's keys so I can go and see Esmee tomorrow...
2. Everyone picking the logo I liked for the Degree Show
3. Kate's chocolate and sponge layer cake
Posted by
10:14 am
requests for silence
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Adagio, Snow pictures and Warmth
A new day, and I'm revising. I did a whole 9 hours yesterday and I feel positive about it, but it doesn't half drain you!
So I relaxed last night with a glass of red wine and watched a really interesting documentary on the art of the Byzantine era, then Ugly Betty - I now feel not only wise, but also balanced with comedy.
I did get a little miffed yesterday tho, next door have got a new kitten...a ginger one...looks about the same size as Esmee, so I reckon they've got the one I wanted from Esmee's litter... :(
1. Downloading and replacing all my classical music that I lost a few weeks ago, and a better version of Albinoni's Adagio.
2. Next doors kids drawing picture's on Kate's car in the snow and pretend smoking in the cold air
3. The warmth of having the heating on all day
Posted by
9:50 am
requests for silence
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
White, Unwinding and Treats
1. The first snow of 2007, it doesn't settle on the ground, but makes all the cars in the road turn white.
2. A late night shower to unwind, then reading a book
3. Summer fruits, strawberry, blueberry and banana smoothies that I make for Kate and Sam
Posted by
8:35 am
requests for silence
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
The Sweet Taste of Freedom
Today has been like the average person's weekend. And it's been lovely. I've cleaned, cooked, I went shopping (and spent far too much), visited Tegan and Esmee, her new kitten, watched DVDs and cooked some more.
I love this whole concept of having a life, and I'd forgotten how easy it was in this line of work to get swallowed up and consumed, and not have a life...this was like my first taste (and probably last for the foreseeable future).
**Rant starts here**
A couple of people on the course have had their module exams today and tomorrow, giving them nearly 2 and half weeks off, to relax and unwind. Now that has its drawbacks to I can't really bitch, but I have a week til my next exam, and another week after that til the next. I then have 2 days off....then it all starts again.
That'll total 5 days off in 8 months (Christmas Day, Birthday, today, and those 2 days...) before my next break...its bloody slave labour, I tell you.
More's to the point I'm a little concerned that this might have the burn out effect on me...I hope I don't get too fatigued and that I can't cope with the prospect of working 16 hour days without a break for the next 6 months...
Shit me, that's gonna be tough, I've only just added it all up...
Oh well, I guess it means that I need more time off now and just cram my revision into 5 days instead of 7 etc so that I can have a few days off...
oh god, the prospect of what's facing me is gonna make me cry any second...I was doing so well...I hadn't got freaked out and upset in so long, nearly 3 weeks...
**rant over**
Well I'd better find some good things to cheer myself up...
1. Sequinned Burgundy shoes for £10
2. Esmee curling up in my lap and purring softly as I stroke her, she finally gets used to this stranger and realises she can seduce them into spending hours playing with her...
3. The Green Wing out-takes, almost funnier than the program as it's fresh material I haven't seen before
Posted by
8:24 pm
requests for silence
Monday, January 22, 2007
Banter, Socialising and Home Comforts
1. Handing in all my work, and having a lovely chat with the secretary, she was stressed out, but I think we bonded.
2. Going to the Griffin with Tom, Rich who came to the murder mystery, and Anna, from my tutorial group. We're an unlikely selection of people, but we sit for 3 hours and put the world to rights, all before 2pm...on a a pub...
3. Making a chocolate and beer cake for Kate and Sam, they both love it enough to have second helpings, and before I know it there's only half left...
Posted by
10:47 pm
requests for silence
They Think It's All Over...
Finally I have handed in my final project report and the supporting material, but for reasons unknown to myself, I decided against handing in my foam models. No idea why, just stood there with them and decided not to.
well I've changed my mind, so I'm just heading back in, to bribe the secretary to let me add it to my submission...!
Posted by
10:35 am
requests for silence
Sunday, January 21, 2007
**Serious Thought Warning**
My housemates have found a new tool for getting me to work, and I have to say I'm surprised at the effectiveness of this tool, I'd recommend it to anyone.
Known as "Acute Cringe Encouragement for Modern Apathy" or for its less descriptive name, American Idol. I've found that while Kate and Sam watch it, I find it so terrible and cringe-worthy that I end up going and working, just to get away from it!
I have also been avoiding making comment on the new Apple iPhone, as although I have an iPod, I dislike it's user interface, and although I always like to be typically British and support the Underdog, I don't think we can call Apple that anymore...
Suffice to say, I'm impressed with Apple breaking into the phone market, I think it takes guts to take on some of the giants of that industry, and although I don't think that they're going to be causing too many sleepless nights for the likes of Nokia or Siemens, I think its a great move for the industry in general. Its about time someone shook up the way we think of mobile phones and gave us something that is more in tune with what humans are about (i.e., the whole "human stylus" point of the iPhone).
I think it perfectly illustrates the need for forward thinking and innovative designers. However design would not be possible without innovative and forward thinking companies. In my limited experience I've already seen first hand, brilliant, innovative and clever design fail because companies are not willing to make a break, take a risk, or put their necks out. What results is mundane design that gives users and consumers no real choice.
Maybe this is an area that industrial designers have to improve in themselves. Become salespeople for their work, inspire belief and get top execs on their side. A tall order for a group of people already stretched in terms of workload, with poor pay! (Industrial Design is the poorest paid of the creative fields, with some starting salaries as low as £7-8000pa before tax!)
**serious thought now suspended**
On the plus side, I've revised my estimated time of finish to 5pm, so I'd better crack on.
Posted by
2:27 pm
requests for silence
Clarity, Caffeine and Kittens
I've still not finished my report and its in for tomorrow, but I have to say I'm getting god-damn close to the end! I hope that I'll be finished by 8 or 9 tonight, ready to be up bright and early to have it bound, then straight into uni to be handed in. Hopefully I can help out a few people too if I finish early - it makes me feel good :)
Had better get on...
1. Opening the curtains to see the first clear blue sky of 2007
2. Having an enormous cup of tea this morning :) delicious
3. Finding out Tegan has got a new kitty, and planning my method of attack...I'm determined that this cat will like me! Plus I need to find out if I'm allergic, or it'll scupper my plans for some kitties of my own...
Posted by
8:52 am
requests for silence
Friday, January 19, 2007
Peace, little luxuries and petals
**Wow I must have been bored yesterday, 4 posts!**
1. A truly silent night, next door have finally shut their gate and I fixed the letterbox - bliss
2. Getting to bed at a decent hour, even though I'm up against a deadline
3. The first fallen petal of my tulips, vivid purple and yellow, soft as satin and I spend the next hour twirling it against my lips as I work
Posted by
8:55 am
requests for silence
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Sigh of Relief
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I've finished the body of the text for my report, in a mammoth day long session I have written 3549 words. I pride myself of writing concisely and in good form, so I'm hoping that the read through tomorrow will leave me with little to change, and I reckon I can get away with 3549 for a 3000 word count, as that includes titles etc, and I know a lot of my report will graduate into figures and tables (which don't count for word count)
So tomorrow is reading through, and adding images. That sounds like a doddle, but I have over 70 A3 sheets of sketch work, and 140 A4 pages of logbook to shoe horn in...we're allowed as many images as we want, but there is a line to draw, and I'm a firm believer in "less is more" to a certain extent - there's no need for superfluous "fat" in a report.
Then hopefully a last few read-throughs, make sure I haven't missed anything (which is more my concern, then whether I've rambled on), and time for printing and binding before the Monday hand in...
I'm also reading through Tom's for him, and hopefully I can help him out a bit there, get my perfectionist's approach to grammar and punctuation out, and he'll sail through - undoubtedly with a better mark than me ;)
Posted by
9:23 pm
requests for silence
Oh, the wind that blows!
I think I spoke too soon on the whole Summeriness of yesterday.
Today I have mostly been chasing my rubbish down the street to bring it back, and just a moment ago watch our plastic recycling box fly into the air and halfway down the street...
I'm sure my neighbours think I'm a lunatic...running down the street in my PJs after a box then scurrying back inside.
In other news Kate and I finally plucked up the courage to go and speak to our neighbours about the banging gate, and ended up fixing the latch for them...hopefully it'll solve the problem!
Now we just have to find a way of dealing with the constant 5am-12 midnight screaming matches of our neighbours on the other side...
Posted by
3:00 pm
requests for silence
Just a quick point...the blood blister under my finger nail I sustained here, has finally grown out, nearly 3 months later...
Posted by
9:26 am
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Contentment, Doing our bit and The high moral ground
1. Having a full 10 hours sleep, I wake up feeling cat-like and content
2. The satisfaction that we've produced 5 bags of recycling this week
3. Not watching Big Brother, and it leaving me plenty of time to do other things and not waste my life!
Posted by
9:21 am
requests for silence
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I found some photos of New Years Eve, I look surprisingly sober, so it must have been before I passed out...Me and the Brother
Tom, me and the Brother
The Brother and Tom
And here are some Murder Mystery ones from my phone....Mannington and Tom looking very dapper
Two of my favourite Ladies...Julia and Tegan
Posted by
9:05 pm
requests for silence
Cutting it fine...or am I??
I'm at the difficult phase of design work, which is waiting for images to render which in some cases can take up to 8 or 9 hours each, likely I'm only doing small images but they still take an hour each, and in that time I'm lucky if I can get on the internet, let alone do anything on my computer. Since all I have left is to write the report, there's actually nothing I can do.
This isn't that much of a relaxing time tho, as I was up and down every hour in the night to set renderings going etc, and it means that although I effectively have been sat on my bum watching TV, or "sleeping", I'm knackered.
Today was a bit more interesting as I had a 3 hour lecture this morning. To be honest I could quite easily have skipped it, but otherwise I think the cabin fever would be setting in and there's no point in letting things get that far.
Hand in is on Monday, and so far I have written only a minimal amount on a introduction, which will probably have to be cut out anyway. this means I have 4 days to write and refine a 3000 word report...I wonder if that's enough, I really don't know....
1. My "to do" list getting down to one last item "write report"
2. A change in the air this lunch time, the first traces of summer
3. Looking forward to the the luxury of sleep, next Monday night
Posted by
3:17 pm
requests for silence
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Images, childishness, and science
1. The first few renderings of my heated seating are looking good, still tweaks to be made but good nonetheless2. Putting my iTunes on random and getting "Rubber Ducky" by Kermit, it makes me giggle with childish delight every time
3. Reading the book Tegan gave me for my birthday to while away the hours waiting, as my computer chews over calculations for the renderings
Posted by
8:46 pm
requests for silence
Monday, January 15, 2007
I feel I have been a bit slack of late, and I've not been posting with my usual punctuality, so whilst I am in between CAD models I thought I'd take the time to write a little post.
My birthday "party" was great, I think everyone had a brilliant time and even a few of the shier guests got stuck in with the web of lies and murder that was "Murder at the Four Deuces". I'd highly recommend it to anyone and indeed my Mum and several friends of friends have requested that I let them know the website etc - certainly worth the £15 I spent - better value and better fun than the usual "dinner party" games.
I have to admit it was very complex at time and would probably have worked better if everyone knew each other a bit better, but still a good night.
Mannington was murdered my Kate, Rich was murdered by Julia, Nikki was murdered by Stu, and Stu was murdered by...I can't actually remember, it got a bit difficult to keep track of who was killing who! I'm looking forward to the sequel already - I wonder when I can convince everyone to dress up again...
It was also a great idea asking everyone to bring food - Kate, Sam and I now have enough food (or rather dessert) to keep us going for ages, although perhaps wise to ask people to bring specific items as students tend to be lacking imagination
**my worst fear of 3000 sausage rolls thankfully didn't materialise**
I will try and prise the photo's out of Tegan if I get the chance before the end of the week, and get them up - the costumes certainly were great!
And today I had a tutorial for my major project - I seem to be doing ok on the schedule, have a few more things to do, then time to start writing the report with a good 6 days to go!
1. Getting Stu completely addicted to Green Wing
2. Making "hot air balloons" with Kate...take one helium balloon, attach tissue to the cord, tear/add enough paper to balance the lift of the balloon - therefore having a balloon that will just hang stably in the air, not going up or down...
3. Managing to contact a wheelchair user for research, and him being very keen to help :)
Posted by
3:06 pm
requests for silence
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Tulips, help and Love
1. The beautiful bunch of tulips Nikki gave me last night, which have brightened up my room no end with their lovely pink, red and purple tones
2. My housemates and brother helping clean the house after the party, so this morning, it wasn't a nightmare when we all got up.
3. Finding a good poem called Love by Coleridge that I think I can use in my designs...
Posted by
10:02 pm
requests for silence
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Happy Birthday to me.....
Good news today, I have finished designing, and I started my CAD yesterday - I think I have finished one model, and I'm going to start on the other 2 tomorrow, which both just take elements from the first one and slightly re-jig them :D
In other news, I turned 22 today!
Its been a good day, mostly just working and preparing for the big party tonight, making sure my victims are all organised and sorting out the final logistics and cooking.
Now for a slight breather a bit more work and then getting ready...I'm very excited, but also slightly worried that something will go wrong tonight...
Photos tomorrow....
1. Tom remembering how I said I never had any champagne glasses, and getting me a pair for my birthday
2. Having my brother up to stay :D
3. The beautiful handbag and make-up my mum got me
Posted by
5:47 pm
requests for silence
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Whiskers, Sarcasm, Gale force Winds
1. Getting within a hair's breadth of finishing my designing, actually that's quite frustrating
2. Making it this far into my "3 Beautiful Things" before sarcasm creeps in
3. Rolling around in the street with a wheelie bin **due to gale force winds, and not a kinky sex habit**
Posted by
10:19 pm
requests for silence
Silly Ideas of your Youth
**This post isn't for those who find the talking of wounds etc at all difficult...**
Now there are many reasons why its a silly idea to have a nose piercing, mainly to do with how chavy you look, but I had one done ages ago in about 2003, and while waiting for it to heal was a bit annoying (I had to pick the snot out of the internal butterfly with tweezers...) I was not prepared for Life After The Piercing.
Now don't get me wrong, if your child wants to rebel, its better for them to rebel with a DIY shop full of steel bars than by branding themselves, and you may say that even tho I was rebelling, I knew I wouldn't want it forever - maybe that's where I fell down, a conscientious rebel...
Anyway what I didn't realise and no-one ever thought to tell me, was that now every time I get a cold, it gets infects, even tho I removed the piercing over 2 years ago now...
So the side of my nose swells up and it just sits there and oozes pus...a really nice side-effect that may be a punishment for shocking my parents with luminous pink hair...
Posted by
9:27 am
requests for silence
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Compliments, Rudeness, and Family
Not much happening in my life at the moment other than work, which I'm on a bit of a race to get finished, hence the lack of interesting material in my posts
1. Kate complimenting me on the composition and graphical representation of my "sheets"
2. Finally working this quote into an everyday conversation
Do I look like a mug? Have I got a handle? Am I made of china? Am I kept in a cupboard or on a small wooden tree? Would you like to put your lips on my rim? You may answer that question, the others were rhetorical.
3. Getting a phone call from my Dad, brother and Mum all in one day.
Posted by
10:42 pm
requests for silence
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Hostages, Napping, and avoiding marketing
1. Holding Green Wing Special DVD to ransom, so Tom is forced to go buy me cookies - I can't be bothered to leave the house...
2. Having a mid afternoon nap to alleviate my poorly stomach
3. The lovely man on the check-out in Sainsburys who conspiratorially whispers with me about my apparent sins for not having a Nectar card
Posted by
9:37 pm
requests for silence
Bugger Bugger Bugger
unfortunately that cold has decided to set itself in, and although not too bad, I do look more washed out than beige on a lion.
I've been up for hours too, as i couldn't sleep, and I know why it is, because I'm not getting enough physical exercise, just sitting at my desk all day...not that I can so much now I feel poop!
Anyway I'm going to head into Sainsburys when I've scrubbed up a bit and stock up on far the list stretches to...
Night Nurse
Day Nurse
Listerine (brilliant at soothing sore throats)
"fruit" in all is genericness
and chocolate...
I'd also like to point out that I'm not intending on mixing and matching my drugs, as I'm not stupid, but its always good to be stocked up!
hi-ho, hi-ho, its off to Sainsburys I go...
Posted by
8:51 am
requests for silence
Monday, January 08, 2007
Presents, Tea, Grey, Excitement and the Familiar
It's been a funny old day today, I didn't get much done this morning as I was sorting out someone-who-shall-remain-nameless's birthday present, which as its a personalised gift is going to be cheap, but time consuming, and I've been getting the groundwork sorted as much as possible today! But definitely fun, enjoyable, and even if this person doesn't like it, I'll keep it for myself!
I also went to see Julia today, she go back yesterday, but true to my New Years Resolution I popped over for wasn't a long stay, but enough to catch up on each other a bit and be girlie :) lovely, then over to Tom's for a bit of design input, counselling and dinner, before coming home at 8pm and not knowing where the day has gone! Needless to say I have miraculously managed to turn out 4 pages of detailed designs for the heated seat - don't know when that happened!
And on a downside I think I'm getting a cold...bugger. Not really what I need right now, but hopefully an early night, and some good food tomorrow will help
1. The new found joys of preliminary sketches in pale grey, mistakes disappear once thick black is applied over the right lines
2. Speaking to people who are just as excited as me about the Murder Mystery dinner party - I think its because it's something different to the usual going out and getting pissed on the town (although I'm sure that'll happen after...)
3. Using IE7 and getting frustrated at it's inability to tell me when I've made a spelling mistake, meaning that I breathe a sigh of relief when I get back to Firefox...usability is paramount to me
Posted by
10:07 pm
requests for silence
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Shoulders, Simplicity and Phone calls
1. Finally being able to be the shoulder to cry on for a dear friend who has always been there for me. She's a secretive one and I now feel privileged that she has allowed me to be there for her in a time of need.
2. Charlotte telling me that its sweet how I'm so easily pleased, when I tell her I'm happy today because of a big bowl of (my brother's) home made soup.
3. Absent friends calling up for a chat, "just because"
Posted by
8:54 pm
requests for silence
Dinner parties and comedy
I had a rather unproductive day yesterday but to be honest I'm not too stressed out about it.
I'm going to give it a good wack at the project today, and I have some design decisions to make, but other than that I think its going to be fine :D
I've also been sorting out the mystery dinner party, still have a few people to get confirmations from, but it looks like its going to be ok in terms of who comes and who doesn't, and plus I have all the info etc printed out ready for use, so it'll be less hassle next weekend!
I'm just too organised!
Yesterday in HMV I was debating whether to get the Black Books DVDs in the sale - apparently very funny but I never managed to catch any of it, I wonder if there are any on eBay...
(Had better get changed and ready to work)
Catch you later!
Posted by
9:33 am
requests for silence
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Feathers, Medicine, and Comedy
1. The Peacock feather arriving and spending some time making my 1920s head dress
2. John Collis Brown Mixture, as old as the hills but brings back so many memories of childhood, and I imparted the knowledge onto Kate, about the wonders of morphine and peppermint oil
3. Buying the Smack The Pony DVD and watching it, not as funny as I remember, but brings back memories of sitting on the sofa with my Mum and Dad giggling away.
Posted by
9:53 pm
requests for silence
Friday, January 05, 2007
Choices, noodles and giggles
1. Finally picking a design for my major project, and having other people agree on the choice
2. Going to the new Noodle Bar in town, and just sitting around chatting about our holidays (good and bad)
3. A little man coming round to look at all the damp in the house, and hearing his astonishment at the severity of the problem, it's enough to have a giggle and find the funny side of the situation
Posted by
10:01 pm
requests for silence
The End of an Era
I am fully aware to all those who've read this blog over that last few weeks that I do appear to be slightly unhinged.
I am, however, of sane mind and healthy body, and I just have a lot of love for the things I love. Even if they're black crayons, cushion covers and to a lesser extent, my wok.
**that's wok, as in Oriental cookery, not the mis-spelt "work"**
Well the Green Wing ended last night and when something I love ends, I do feel a bit sad (imagine how all the trekkies felt when they finished Star Trek, or the time you finished uni or school)
Its an End of an Era feel...
***This is where I unravel into appreciation for Green Wing, so don't bother reading if you don't watch Green Wing***
****Also I can't be trusted not to give away too much, so if you haven't seen the special, then wait until you have****
And although not comically the best episode of Green Wing last night, it was a fitting ending, full of heart rendering moments, bitter-sweet love and death (a fair bit of death tbh).
A few people have complained that as an ending it was pretty poor, but I think, given that the cast have been very involved in the production of it for 3 years, that the final episode was always going to be tinged with sadness and was going to be an ending not only for the series but the cast too, and as such was always going to be slightly less funny, and also had to be held up to high expectations.
I liked that final installment, and I liked the twists and unexpected turns it took (for example, leading us to all believe the funeral in the opening was for one of two characters, then totally stumping the lot of us by having a random death occur) yet still having a lovely ending that I know everyone was rooting for.
RIP Green Wing
Long live Green Wing DVD box set... (on order from Amazon...)
Posted by
2:13 pm
requests for silence
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Its Over for Ever
1. The last ever episode of Green Wing - which shall have it's own post
2. Buying peacock feathers really cheaply, I've always loved the colours but never been able to find them previously, now I have an opportunity to buy them
3. Dust masks sprinkled with essential oils, an ordinary item however have a solvent smell, the essential oils removes the smell, and but wearing the masks I can
a) scare small children (see below)
b) work with blue foam (that generates huge amounts of course dust) without setting off my allergies
Posted by
10:59 pm
requests for silence
Excuse the swearing, but a bastard shitting pigeon flew into my head whilst in town, no-one saw tho, but I have a sore head now :( ...
...and a still twitching eyelid.
Posted by
1:06 pm
requests for silence
Dealing with Disability
While doing my usual morning routine (get up, cup of tea and breakfast, read BBC News) I stumbled across this story, and the associated blog.
It really moved me, this is the story of a family who have taken steps to be able to better care for their daughter, but who feel that have had to write this (very lengthy) blog to explain why and the ethics behind it.
Of course, I'm in no position to really be able to pass judgement on it - I have no disabled children, but I can't help but feel total respect for this family. They are obviously articulate and intelligent and have actively sought solutions for the benefit of their daughter, yet because they haven't just sat back and taken what they were given and struggled on, they are being criticised.
I strongly advise anyone to read it through (if you can get further than The Common Misconceptions, I applaud you, but you'll get the gist of the story). It's a thoroughly modern, refreshing and intelligent look at dealing with disability, I wish more people had the strength and support to be able to make these choices to improve the lives of their loved ones.
(I believe that they really are doing it for the benefit of their daughter, but I also don't think there is that much wrong with doing it to deal with her better and improve their own lives - the reason they have been criticised. They are lucky that the outcomes benefit all)
Well as much as I'd love a ethical debate, talking to nothingness doesn't actually really live up to the term "debate" although if anyone has any strong disagreement or views, feel free to write a comment...if you don't, I'll just take it that you all agree with me :D
Posted by
9:05 am
requests for silence
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Getting a grip
4 Beautiful Things (too many good things today)
1. Having tea in a big smiley mug
2. Finally starting to get a grip on all my work, and feel like there is a certain direction emerging
3. A huge steaming plate of pork, black bean and ginger stir fry, with garlic pak choi, simple and delicious
4. The simple elegance and cleanliness of Albinoni's Adagio for Strings in G Minor
Posted by
10:18 pm
requests for silence
I have a very annoying my right eyelid.
It's been twitching all year (get what I did there....yes, I'm rubbish)
But I'm getting really pissed off
Posted by
11:33 am
requests for silence
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
The Green Wing
I'm getting very excited, and I'm finding it hard to concentrate on much else.
The reason for me to be this distracted and excited, is because of the Green Wing. Tom has lent me Series 2 box set, and the last ever special is happening on 4th Jan, 2 hours of bliss, and I've now seen the last of the second series, so I'm all up to date and I'm eagerly awaiting the new and final instalment.
In my opinion this is one of the best British comedies in the last few years, I think it nearly ranks up there with Fawlty Towers. It's incredibly surreal, bizarre and according to my surgeon cousin, EXACTLY like a real hospital.
I strongly urge anyone to see it all, if you're new to the joys of the Green Wing, then I suggest you start at Series 1, and stick with it for a few episodes before deciding whether you like it or not, it is a *little* bit of an acquired taste...
I'm also conversely a bit bummed out about it being a new year. Two Thousand and Seven.
Doesn't that sound a bit strange? A bit like it should be in the future, not the present. OK I'm not making much sense, but surely you must feel the same as me, slightly freaked out by the surreality of a new year.
It'll pass - it always does...I wonder whether there is a phobia about New Years...
Back to the Green Wing Box Set Special Features and Extras... *no addiction here*
Posted by
8:24 pm
requests for silence
New Year
Wow, the first post for 2007!
I would have posted yesterday, only I was mostly hiding in a large hole, nursing a rather large hangover, brought on by red wine, vodka, mystery cocktails and champagne...ouch
Had a great night for New Years Eve, I think Stu had a good time, up until he and Tom had to carry me home...thanks Tom for holding my hair back...
I ahve 2 New Years Resolutions, one of which is only designed to last 20 days...
1. See more of Julia and Tegan, as I never see them and they are my best friends!
2. Work solidly and hard to finish my major project work, including modelling, concept selection, drawing storyboards, CAD mock ups, detailed that its not all rushed at the end and slightly less stressful
Had better crack on then..
3 Beautiful Things
1. Stu cooking me leek and potato soup to settle my stomach
2. Dancing a "cat" dance to The LoveCats by The Cure
3. The last Vicar of Dibley
Posted by
10:21 am
requests for silence