Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Today has been a good one, I've been very productive, everything from prepping slabs for concreting, to returning library books and de-stamen-ing my lilies.

I am happy now, but knackered, however we've got some American students over at the moment, doing workshops etc, and we're heading out tonight - I feel a bit sorry for them, they've only just become legal in their own country to drink and we're going to be showing them the wonders of Guiness, cider and flatliners...I doubt many of them will be up tomorrow morning...

Anyway, this means I need to get ready so a better post tomorrow...


1. Walking home in just a t-shirt

2. Finding a smell that I can't quite place, it takes me all day to realise that its the smell of the summer, that fresh, warm smell

3. Being up and in the workshops for 9am, and working through the entire day.

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