I'm heading home today, so I'm just about to pack up my computer and thought I'd do one last post!
I'll be at Glastonbury this week, so I probably won't post anything for ages, but I shall return with tails of hippies, the Show, and my results (released later today).
So until then, keep safe, keep smiling, and think of me in all the mud...
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Bye for now
Posted by
8:33 am
requests for silence
Friday, June 15, 2007
Out again last night, for a meal with all the crew, Rich is leaving for America and Tom and I are heading to Glastonbury all on tuesday, which happens to be the last day of the show so there won't be any time left to say good bye - its strange really, I hope I see some of this lot again....
Needless to say yesterday's exhibition activities went well, however me with a hangover, pro-plus and a focus to get things done put the fear of god into some people. Having said that I was nice to everyone, didn't snap and just zoooooooomed around all day, getting home and being completely knackered.
I saw that boy last night in passing in a pub and then again in the street 5 minutes later. I think to say I was well and truly blanked is an understatement...and as Rich pointed out I've been dropped by a fresher!! haha anyway I'm not too fussed, it was highly immature and makes me realise my decision to just stop making contact was a good one (a decision that seems it was mutual too).
Anyway I now have to head into uni to make the exhibition happen. I'm thinking some before, during and after photos might show how much has been done in a day!
Posted by
7:43 am
requests for silence
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I decided in the end to forward my CV to that guy and ask him to visit me at the show, hopefully something might come of it!
Out last night, and it was hot, sweaty and generally busy. Claire and I had a laugh but due to my intolerance of gassy drinks and her hayfevery eyes we had left the building at 1.30am and were steadily winding our way through the streets of Loughborough on the nightbus. I've never taken the nightbus before, as I've always just walked with friends, but it's run by the union, and for 50p will drop you off at your door and wait outside until you're safely in before moving onto the next person's stop...nifty, eh!
Anyway the real build up to the show starts today, with the removal of all the projects and the dismantling of all exhibition screens. It's going to be a hard day of lifting and I'm not sure going to bed at 2am was such a good idea....hmmmmmm
Yesterday I was also one of the lucky chosen ones to meet for lunch with the external examiners and have a general moan about the course, set things straight for years to come etc. It was a catered event and I have to say I spent more time at the buffet trying to make up for my missed breakfast, than much else.
Right to uni I go, I think I should make an appearance!
Posted by
8:19 am
1 requests for silence
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I'm having a crisis of confidence, again.
I've been sent an email from a guy recruiting for a consultancy, it looks great, the job is just what I want, I know that it would be a fantastic opportunity for me, but I'm so scared
I don't know if I should bother, I'm not convinced I'm good enough for it. Plus it's here in Loughborough, I think if I am going to seriously apply then I should be prepared to stay here. Its weird having been here for 4 years I won't have any friends left here, and its not exactly a thriving social scene to find new friends...
I don't know, maybe I should just go for it to get the experience of trying?
Posted by
7:48 pm
1 requests for silence
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Well I'm not one for horoscopes telling me what is going to happen in future, but I've found one that suggests something you could do today that might make you a bit happier. Now I always like things that make me happy, so when it said today
Don't be ashamed to admit that you're proud of your accomplishments. Feel free to share them with others today, but don't brag too much.I thought I'd better pay attention.
Well my achievements are that I have finished my degree, I will get at least a 2:1, I have been appointed Artistic Director for the upcoming Show and my work is being prepared at the printers nearly as we speak.
The Show Booklet has been uploaded on the internet, yours truly is on page 53 of the PDF.
My DesignWeek project was also reviewed by the owners of the material, who I can now exclusively reveal was Boots. They said my designs (which I still can't reveal) were "fresh, simple and clean to use" and "would look good on shelf across all brands". I like to think that someone who knows what they are talking about wrote that, but I'm well aware it could have been anyone.
I hope that shows how quietly proud of my achievements I am, I don't want to brag, and rarely do, but I thought today I'd make an exception...
Posted by
7:59 pm
requests for silence
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Licking, Flipping and Sipping
1. The weather getting suddenly warm and again, giving the excuse to buy ice lollies and sit in the park
2. Teenage boys doing back flips to impress the girls, who are paying no attention whatsoever!
3. Cooking up a massive dinner for Tegan, Julia and Chris, drinking a bottle of wine, then going to the Orange Tree for more cocktails and lots of chatting...shame I'm stuck with the washing up...
Posted by
10:26 am
requests for silence
Thursday, June 07, 2007
I'm sure I had photos of me looking elegant for EDW, but I can't find them! I think my only option is to make sure from now on I have shots that encompass more of my clothes, rather than just my (lovely) head...so updates on that, as and when!
Posted by
8:20 pm
requests for silence
Flirtation, Milk and Indulgence
1. The feeling of giggly elation when flirting goes your way (although I obviously don't giggle...)
2. Finally looking less like a milk bottle when out in the sun - I heart fake tan!
3. Staying in for the first time in over a week, cooking up a beautiful dinner and sitting down with a glass of wine and enjoying it without having to work afterwards
Posted by
9:36 am
requests for silence
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Elegantly Dressed Wednesday: ERA
It's been a few weeks since my last EDW, and this week I found it hard to choose, not because of an extensive list of possible candidates in my mind, but rather an (alcohol induced) apathy on my part.
So today I have decided to nominate myself. Indulgent I know, however I have (nearly) always attempted to dress well and for my shape; to project a classy demeanour and rise above the rest.
Although I don't necessarily pull off the drop dead gorgeous vamp style of dressing, I certainly hope my attempts at simplicity and elegance don't go un-noticed.
Unfortunately, there is one issue hampering my claim to this week's EDW...my hard drive is not playing ball today, taking with it all my photos. So I hope to substantiate the claim in the next few days...
Posted by
6:20 pm
requests for silence
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
I'm not really doing much at the moment, mainly relaxing, cleaning, doing washing, all highly domesticated activities and I'm absolutely shattered...I'm thinking its the come down of finishing and suddenly having no stress whatsover, or it could be the constant partying in the evenings...
Needless to say I'm trying to enjoy my time "off" and take it as a little holiday, but in reality I'm so used to working all day and most nights and all weekends that I don't know what to do with myself (although I'm sure I'll get a little bit used to it soon).
Yesterday was my final presentation, it went as well as could be expected, I have no issues with standing up and speaking, but the tutors were confrontational, and one sat there in silence yawning...did I mention I was the third person to present to them out of 40...they really should have made more of an effort to attempt to be interested...
For the rest of the day I just hung out with Nikki and Kate after her first exam, before heading out with Nikki in the evening to the Orange Tree (my favouritest haunt). Lovely.
I am however receiving a fair amount of banter about my Friday night activities with a fresher! The guys think it's hilarious and the girls are quite surprisingly excited about it and keep going on about it...anyone would think they've got nothing going on in their lives! Nonetheless I don't think I'll be living that one down for a while!
Right I'd better make myself decent and do some shopping, before heading down to the park for "some Jars and a BBQ" as one of the guys described it (mid-afternoon I'll be ditching them for the far more important activity of Tea and cake with Tegan and Julia...)
ahhhhhh this is the life...
Posted by
9:52 am
1 requests for silence
Sunday, June 03, 2007
I'm back
So, after a long while away, I return.
The end of my project was stressful beyond words, but it's over now and I have handed in all my work for the final time, all's left is the handing in of library books and a presentation tomorrow (for which I have done nothing....)
I honestly don't think I could have completed the last week of the project, last Sunday I had several panic attacks and wound myself up incredibly well, culminating in phoning home and Dad taking the (brilliant) decision to come up to Lufbra and look after me for the final week. He kept me sane and I managed to finish a fair proportion of the work. I think I would have fallen to pieces without him. As he rightly points out I now owe him a lifetime of brownie points...
Thursday night (the night of the hand in) it was straight down the pub - 2 snakebite blacks later (the disgustingly traditional drink of Lufbra, affectionately known here as a "Nasty") and I was strolling home to see Dad who was waiting to take me to dinner...
half a bottle of red wine at the Indian and then on to the Orange Tree to meet the other 100 people on my course. It was complete madness but I managed to escape to bed at midnight and awoke feeling completely terrible. I am no longer built for drinking!
Friday was spent mooching about, lunch with Nikki after waving off Dad, then into town where Primark was raided and many a tiny short dress bought.
Friday night was a BBQ at Rich and Rob's and then on to the uni (in the afore mentioned tiny tiny tiny dress). Needless to say I got chatted up by a rather lovely, and surprisingly confident 18 year old. However it did make me feel really old.... especially when I worked out that I was starting uni when he was 13...
Now I am just chilling out, and trying to work out what the hell to do with my life...
Posted by
10:44 am
requests for silence