Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Elegantly Dressed Wednesday: ERA

It's been a few weeks since my last EDW, and this week I found it hard to choose, not because of an extensive list of possible candidates in my mind, but rather an (alcohol induced) apathy on my part.

So today I have decided to nominate myself. Indulgent I know, however I have (nearly) always attempted to dress well and for my shape; to project a classy demeanour and rise above the rest.

Although I don't necessarily pull off the drop dead gorgeous vamp style of dressing, I certainly hope my attempts at simplicity and elegance don't go un-noticed.

Unfortunately, there is one issue hampering my claim to this week's hard drive is not playing ball today, taking with it all my photos. So I hope to substantiate the claim in the next few days...


Quink said...

Simplicity and elegance are just what's needed. A richly deserved nomination... bring on the pics.

Glamourpuss said...

Ha! Fabulous! Well done you.
