Whilst getting dressed and browsing the internet (yes I do both at the same time) I came across this on Ms Puss' site....
So being entirely self centred I thought I'd fill it in...
You look up your birthday on wiki and fill it in....
Three Events (from the sublime to the ridiculous):
1559 - Elizabeth I crowned Queen of England in Westminster Abbey. (I once said in an interview that she was the historical figure I respected the most. I got the job, despite listing the reasoning behind it to being that she burnt more Catholics than Bloody Mary burnt Protestants, and she got away with it)
1910 - Opera was broadcast on the radio for the first time — Enrico Caruso singing from the stage of New York's Metropolitan Opera House.
1957 - Wham-O Company produces the first Frisbee.
Two Births:
1334 - King Henry II of Castile (d. 1379)
1997 - Marius Borg Høiby, son of Mette-Marit, Crown Princess of Norway
(the first and last listed on wikipedia)
One Holiday:
In UK, as proposed by comedian Bob Mills on BBC Radio 5 Live's Fighting Talk this is the day beyond which the penalty for wishing someone a Happy New Year should be death.
(that one really appeals to me...)
Then you take this list, remove the title of the blog at the top of it and add the title of your own blog to the bottom.
Medication Time
The Expatriotic Expatriot
The Morning Meeting
The Pole Affair
The Terracotta Pot
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Posted by
10:45 am
requests for silence
Rectifying the lack of Relevance
Well today has dawned bright and sunny, the first time in months. I'm convinced that this bad weather had something to do with Rhianna being No 1 for 9 weeks. The evidence is certainly compelling...She becomes no 1, it starts raining. It rains continually for 9 weeks. She gets knocked off the top spot this Sunday gone, and the sun comes out.
So I think it's ok to dance about singing "Ding, Dong, the witch is dead" don't you?
Stu's birthday is coming up on Thursday so I'm taking him into Bath for present shopping and for me to grab some other bits and pieces, which'll be a nice excursion out. I've also decided that I really should upload some of my work onto here, considering I bill this blog as one on Industrial Design, at the moment it's fairly sparse on that, and more about Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, (not that that's a bad thing, obviously).
I also have a fairly busy weekend coming up involving whizzing around Reading seeing people, and a birthday party. Should all be good fun tho, especially as I haven't had a social life for the last 3 years of being a student (and oxymoron if every I heard one).
So later on today I'll upload some work, and put it in different posts for the different categories, then maybe I can justify calling this blog Industrial design!!!
Posted by
10:26 am
1 requests for silence
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Time for a Change
I've decided on an appearance change, I don't like any of the templates enough, but I don't know enough HTML to make my own, so I'll add some changes and edit it a bit, but not today as I'm off out with the family
Posted by
11:30 am
requests for silence
Friday, July 27, 2007
Whilst browsing the internet, I came across some wisdom and general information from Robert Baden-Powell, some of which tickled me somewhat.
Like this observation on Bees...
They are a quite a model community for they respect their Queen and kill their unemployed.
I stopped giggling when I remembered that I'm unemployed.
Posted by
7:05 pm
1 requests for silence
Employment and other things
Well the employment side of my life is looking up, I applied to 9 companies yesterday (although I made some small gaffs like forgetting to put a title in the subject line) and I got 1 reply, requesting more work to be sent, explaining that he'd make a decision on my application early next week, fingers cross then!
The company is a good one, I respect the guy from my course who did a placement there - his work improved greatly, and I hope that it could have the same effect for me.
I have also now abandoned the plan to temp for 8-9 months and then travel, instead I hope to work for 2ish years and take 2-3 months off before finding a new job. Not the ideal, and it'll be hard to get back in, but no harder than it is now, plus I'll hopefully have a far more advanced portfolio and possibly a far bit of money behind me. I also think that although its not the normal path in your career, you can do anything you want to and that if it all goes tits up I know I'll be able to find my feet again. Its not like I'll have any commitments back at home.
The weather is getting me a bit down at the moment, not because of the rain (I've been known to go on holiday for 2 weeks and rejoice upon my return to the UK and the rain that greets you from the moment you land. I love the rain). No it's the cold that's annoying me. I went for an early even walk yesterday with Mum and Stu, and I was in a coat and scarf and had cold hands by the time I got home. That's just not right. It's July 27th for Christ's sake. My family and I have been lamenting the baking weather of last year, where we all sweated profusely and baked in glorious weather.
Oh well. Maybe I should emigrate to Oz.
And on a slightly different note, I'm worried about the goldfish in the pond. One had died and the others look sad and dejected. Maybe they don't like the weather either.
**UPDATE** Got an interview next Friday with that company...EEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKK :D
Posted by
11:32 am
1 requests for silence
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
EDW: Emma Watson
It seems only yesterday that I was nominating Aishwarya Rai for EDW, and this week, I am yet again stuck with who to nominate.
I'm going to keep in the tone of the last few days (no, not horrendous flooding), but Harry Potter.
And I'm going to nominate Emma Watson for the EDW this week. I think that despite her young 17 years she manages to look an awful lot more elegant than girls of a similar age (I'm thinking Charlotte Church when was 17, falling out of pubs).
Consequently we've never seen her doing silly things, and she attends her premiers in tasteful and beautiful dresses (again not revealing all her flesh).
Maybe it's partly to do with her French heritage, or maybe just that she "were brung up well".Oh yeah and she happens to be incredibly intelligent (apparently she is on a path to become a lawyer, although I dare say she'll find it dull) and isn't letting the fame go to her head.
A true role model for today. Shame the kids don't look up to her like that do the other coke-sniffing, binge drinking ladettes we have now.
Oh and Stu will love these photos...won't you? hehe
Posted by
1:52 pm
requests for silence
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Further proof of elegance...
Further proof that I am elegant, in the face of adversity...
I had to drive 8 hours through the floods to get to my grad ball, was 2 hours late and got changed in the car park.
Oh and I crashed my car on the way there and had to stand in calf high water in the torrential rain to do insurance details - consequently my hair was ruined.
So excuse the hair, but I still think I managed to look pretty elegant...
Posted by
2:06 pm
requests for silence
Panic, Potter and Pretence
1. The safety and warmth of home after surviving the nightmare of the Midlands whilst not believing we'd get out before it was too late
2. "Harry Potter" pictures in our gowns
3. Pretending I know the ending to the new Harry Potter book, and standing in the middle of Waterstones and shouting it out. (And running out very quickly)
Posted by
12:46 pm
requests for silence
Friday, July 20, 2007
BA (Hons)
This weekend is full of endings and I'm not quite sure if I should be happy or sad.
I'm heading up to Lufbra for my graduation weekend today, which kicks off with the grad ball tonight. It should be fairly fun, and hopefully a fair few of my friends will be there - I know a few aren't, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem, I hope. The ball itself is a James Bond themed extravaganza, with and SAS stunt team, casino etc, which I hope is going to be a little more interesting than the ordinary.
The dress is also sorted, I opted for the floor length dusty purple gown I have, instead of a cocktail dress - far more Bond, and warm (considering the temperature is supposed to plummet tonight. I'll be sure to get heaps of photos too! (if I can find my camera...)
Then there is a weekend of partying and socialising before my ceremony on Monday, where I cease being Ellie Hyde and become Ellie Hyde BA (Hons). The family are coming up for the day, and I'm convinced that I will fall over receiving my award...great
So I'm heading off soon.
Have a good weekend folks!
Posted by
9:11 am
1 requests for silence
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
EDW: Aishwarya Rai
Yes, the keen eyed of you will notice that this blog post wasn't actually here on Wednesday. In fact it is Thursday and I'm posthumously posting my EDW.
I've been struggling with coming up with EDW, call it what you will, but the likelihood is that I'm just not as cultured as the rest of the EDW contributors, nor as creative in my nominations.
Even as I type this I still don't know who I'm going to nominate....
This could be tricky....
Ok it's been 15 minutes of browsing the internet, and I've come across my favourite Bollywood actress. Admittedly I haven't been able to watch too many of her films (being mainly in Hindi) but her English ones have been great.
To Aishwarya Rai!
She's currently the face of Rolex (and not a bad choice at that) and generally has an air of mystery and elegance. So not much I can really write about her, other than that she seems dignified and down to earth (apart from marrying an obscenely rich man...who wouldn't?)
Posted by
8:34 pm
requests for silence
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
10 beautiful things (because I've been rubbish and not done any in ages)
1. My parents having a brilliant day on their 30th wedding anniversary.
2. Phil thinking that wearing a Borat mankini for his 40th birthday was a good idea. I wonder what his poor children will think in the future. Pictures to embarrass your children anyone?
3. Seeing my friends and family again. Sometimes it feels like the only people I see are my mum, dad, brother and the people on TV...
4. Being requested to bake the infamous chocolate and Guiness cake for graduation and the family
5. The upcoming arrival of 2nd Cousin No. 6. I want a girl. The parent's want a boy. Damn it. (Being the last girl born into my family over 22 years ago means we're overdue a girl. Well that's my logic anyway)
6. The sun just bursting through, even if it's only for a second, before fading away again
7. Next door's house finally being sold. Maybe we'll get some nice neighbours....
8. My old landlord not noticing that I accidentally took the supplied office chair home with me, saving me losing my deposit...
9. Getting an iTrip and listening to Amy Winehouse at full volume in the car
10. Hearing from Steph, a long lost friend, and arranging to meet up in August
Posted by
9:26 am
requests for silence
Mr Hudson and The Library
First heard them at Glastonbury, a very good mix of sunshine and urban beats. To be highly recommended by an indie bunny like me is surprising, but worth a listen.
They are mate's of a mate's mate, so maybe I'm biased...?
Posted by
9:22 am
1 requests for silence
The Adventures of a Country Girl in the Big City
The last few days have been spent whizzing around, and now I'm quite tired!
On Friday I headed up to London for the New Designers exhibition and caught up with all my lovely course mates. The train was a monster - a 3 1/2 hour journey which can normally be done in 1...wasn't that impressed, had to keep reminding myself that I only paid £9.20 for it, not the normal £33...
Well anyway, after an annoyingly long queue for cash at Paddington, and the tube ticket machine subsequently deciding that it wouldn't accept the notes I'd just got out, I eventually made it onto the tube and decided to have a little fun...
So I pissed off every person on the journey to Angel - I read over shoulders, I smiled at people (my favourite form of attack on the tube) and even "dared" to speak to some people. They were not impressed (*snigger*), I love it how Londoners think that it's absolutely absurd to communicate with others. Anyway I had a great time on the tube.... :D
The show itself was good, Tom managed to get me a free ticket which saved some more money, and the Loughborough stand was suitably impressive and had a huge presence that the adjacent stand couldn't muster (I got the impression they were fed up of being near the frankly outstanding Loughborough stand).
I stayed around for a fair amoutn of time, chatting to my friends and wondering around the stalls, to be honest the only other universities that even remotely competed were Brunel and Northumbria. The guys at Brunel were, however, frankly hilarious. Identi-kit black suits with no tie, identi-kit bleached blonde hair, and they looked bloody knackered. I heard that they'd been forced to be in 10am-6pm every single day, whereas the Lufbra lot were casually and individually dressed, and attended the show appropriately, whilst not draining themselves. I was also disappointed at the lack on impact in Brunel's displays. Their artwork was small and "un-impactful", it did however look professional, but I know employers were a little disappointed that their models didn't actually work, unlike Lufbra's ;)
Northumbria had a wonderful stand, however I was disappointed not to see more of their prototypes. They are definitely an upcoming university to watch for design graduates, they certainly seem to be getting stronger every year.
The other exhibitions were good as well, I was particularly impressed with BCUC's furniture, some absolutely stunning and forward thinking pieces. And I have to admit I kept heading back to it just to admire their work.
After the show we all headed out for a drink and on to a tapas bar which was good fun, and I think were finally headed home at about 2am, to be followed by a rather restless night in the stiffling heat of the Elephant and Castle digs that the guys had rented for the show.
I was back in Wilts by 2pm on Sunday, and napped before heading to my cousin's 40th birthday. We got there late and didn't stay long as Stu was driving and was very tired, but it was nonetheless a great night.
On a job related note, I haven't heard back from my latest potential job, I really want this one as well, it;s exactly what I need being a junior industrial design job. The agency said they'd chase it up for me, but I still haven't heard from them. I'm also waiting for my first dole cheque, having been to the delightful offices in Trowbridge. Without wanting to bitch about it, they've said I have to apply for at least 3 jobs a week, unfortunately they don't quite understand that Design jobs don't come up at a rate of 3 a week...1 per 7-10 days is more like it.
So do I fake my records...or do I start applying for shitty jobs that I have too much dignity to work in?
Posted by
9:01 am
requests for silence
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
EDW: Paul Smith
This week, I've decided to nominate a distinctly modern man. Charismatic and charming, this man has developed of a wardrobe that tailors a distinctive look and matches his personality.
This Paul Smith, however doesn't design shirts with stripey linings.
Thank god.
This Paul Smith is of the singing variety. I am well known for my love of Maximo Park, so I felt it only fitting to dedicate today to the elegance of Paul Smith.
In the early days of 2004, he sported what was described as "tatty second hand suits" however he always managed to look dapper on stage - I have to say I know of few front men who regularly perform in full suit including tie.
This ensemble was set off with a styled, if not severe 1920's style side parting, and trademark flick...not what some might call sexy, but elegant nonetheless
It is somewhat remarkable that he manages to maintain this elegance since the second album when he decided to grow a messy mop for hair...luckily he's taken to covering it with a (rather dapper) bowler hat...
And even when he commits the cardinal sin of navy trousers and a black shirt, one can forgive him, as those trousers had a sparkly seam.
So, I salute you, Mr Smith, may musicians like Razorlight take lessons in dressing from you.
Posted by
1:14 pm
requests for silence
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Down time
The last couple of days have been lazy. I finally awarded myself a couple of days off, and started to really enjoy them - I've no idea why I didn't do that earlier, just been working away much as I used to. So after the interview yesterday I did some filing for the family business and cajoled stu through the entire 2 and a half hours...he was entertaining, if a little whingy...
The interview itself went really well, I even got thanked for a confident and self assured interview, they also liked my portfolio, however the job just wasn't for me, both they and I could see that, however rather than being rude and abrupt (as so many people can be) they were charming and friendly. It really did go well, however I won't be getting the job I expect, and anyway I'm not really interested in being a supermarket designer in Moscow....the opportunity would be really exciting for someone with a couple of years experience, who'd be happy to work on their own on a multi-billion dollar project. I'm really looking for more of a junior position, almost "apprentice"-like so that I can hone and develop my skills.
Mum also returned today, so Stu and I whizzed round the house to hoover and clean and generally look like we have been looking after the house in her absence, testament to our skills at stealth cleaning, she didn't mention a thing when she got back...
I've also just booked my train tickets to London for the New Designers exhibition to see all my course mates who where chosen to exhibit. I look forward to seeing the cream of the industrial design graduates, however with somewhat of a heavy heart...I will pale into comparison with these people, they really are the big fish. I, clearly, am not.
Despite my claims that I've been having a break, I've really been up to quite a lot...
Posted by
5:05 pm
1 requests for silence
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Not much has happened in the last couple of days, apart from immense amounts of cramming on 3ds Max, ready for Monday, I also went in search of the company for the interview and couldn't find the office at all so tomorrow, Dad and I are going to have a wonder around a bit and dig them out from whichever hole they're hiding in!
And for a change the weather has been sunny, previously with all the flooding and Sheffield being under 2m of water, I don't think anyone thought we'd get some sun. So today was a nice change.
Many, many things to do tomorrow, so a proper post then, not now when I'm completely shattered!
Posted by
10:25 pm
requests for silence
Thursday, July 05, 2007
I'm really really tired, and I'm considering going to bed for a nap. One might be caught thinking of what luxuries I live in, but really it's either a mixture of boredom, weariness or maybe just because I was up from 2-6am this morning sneezing and tossing and turning, coupled with the previous 3 nights of restless.
I normally sleep like a baby. Close my eyes and wake up the next morning. Even when stressed I usually manage to switch right off. I don't know what's keeping me awake at night. I've stopped drinking tea, and don't drink coke, I have evening meals early, and I don't snack late at night.
Well after a brief consultation with The Silver Fox, I think that I'm going to try and push on through to a "decent" time for bed and avoid sleeping. Only one problem, my bed looks very tempting now...
This morning/lunchtime I went into Bath and had a haircut for free with a very expensive hairdresser, always pleasant! I got this free cut because he screwed up my hair all the way back in January.
I think karma caught up with me though, as the moment I stepped out of the hairdressers, the heavens opened. By the time I got back to the car, my trousers and shoes were soaked through and my new haircut....drowned rat.
I also had a call this morning from the recruitment consultancy, they're looking for a 3D Studio Max operator for a temping position at an international supermarket designers, crossed fingers... (even though I'm self taught and not very good at it...subsequently I'm downloading the 30 day trial and the tutorials and hoping to give myself at least a tiny headstart/ crash course before Monday (the potential start date))
*Oh and The Silver Fox also declared that I was a sadist last night...cheers*
Further Update...I have an interview Monday 10am with the above company...I have 3 days to become a pro...
Posted by
4:09 pm
1 requests for silence
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
EDW: Myself Part Deux
Well a few weeks back I nominated myself for the EDW, and this week I will add the photos that will hopefully validate my claim to the title...
The Degree Show opening. Here I am pictured in that delightful spotty dress from a post months ago...This picture was taken exactly 35 minutes after I had been running around putting the show together with Nikki here, we were mightily impressed with ourselves to be able to finish the set up, go home, shower, eat change and be back in under 30 minutes. Now that's what I call damned good. Especially as I managed to look fairly clean and sparkling. Elegantly Dressed methinks.
See below for pictures of the before and after of the set up - just under 7 hours of graft....
From this....
To this... -->
Anyway I'm diverging from the point. I am elegant.
So let's look for further evidence....
Glastonbury 07, The final day.Ok so some might not believe that the wellies and poncho look is a good one, however after 5 days of camping in the mud, I am still wearing a delightly chic poncho, and I am remarkably free of mud, all considered. And don't miss the scarf, what appears to be casually thrown, is in fact engineered for best affect versus the elements, and the sunglasses, well I'm a fashionable gal.
Ok so what we haven't really done is establish that I'm very elegant. We just went through some photos I wanted to post.
So shoot me.
(and I thought I did quite well at Glastonbury)
Posted by
4:40 pm
requests for silence
Glimpse, ineptitude (my new favourite word) and pretty
1. Going into the kitchen to try and get a glimpse of the new goldfish at the surface, before they see me and drive down into the murky depths of the pond
2. The ineptitude of the JobCentre...one has to laugh really....
3. Getting my portfolio work started, and it looking really good
Posted by
2:09 pm
1 requests for silence
Today has dawned warm and muggy, not the best for trying to be cool calm and collected.
Yesterday I worked on my portfolio, which I will also be doing today, hopefully with the aim of getting my CV and work online asap, and getting a presence. Even if nothing really comes of it, at least I'll have all my work in order and ready to show to potential employers.
Today I also hope to be heading down to the Jobcentre, to get on the dole. Easy one might assume, but also quite difficult to bring oneself to doing. It's like accepting defeat. But more scarily the office is in Frome, renowned for it's pointy headed residents with webbed fingers. I just don't want one of them to be working behind the desk!
I'm also going to work on a brief for a competition with a recruitment consultancy, even if I don't finish in time for the deadline which is fast approaching, it'll hopefully be a nice thing to add to my portfolio.
Plus somewhere in all this I need to find another job, just something to tide me over. I have too much dignity to go back and work at the pub over the road for almost less than minimum wage...
Posted by
11:52 am
requests for silence
Monday, July 02, 2007
Two weeks have passed since my last entry, mainly due to Glastonbury, but also due to the countryside's inability to hold a decent internet connect...back to the Middle Ages anyone?
So I'm at home now, as I have been for a week now since Glastonbury, mainly recovering, sleeping, unpacking and moving furniture around, trying to get myself organised really. Tomorrow I start the arduous task of CV writing and refining my portfolio. I had hoped to get a job back at my old place but they've already filled the position I wanted, I will keep trying as I haven't managed to get through to them yet, but I'm not holding out much hope.
The show (all those weeks ago) went fairly well, I spoke to the guy who was interviewing for his design consultancy, but he was rude, and nasty about me work, tbh it wasn't what I needed on the opening night. Needless to say everyone bailed for the night out after the opening, and I ended up on my own in the union. I walked home with Julia's boyfriend Chris, who nobly supported me on my killer heels all the way home. Normally I take flip flops to walk home in, but some delightful girl in the queue stole them and ran away with them promising to hide them for me...I never saw them again, shame, as I liked those ones...
Oh yeah and I accidentally left my party dress at the show (there was going to be cunning clothing changes, but that never happened). Not the best night out!
The rest of the show went by quietly, I wasn't feeling up for selling myself to passing employers and just let them walk past to be trapped by the more confident of my peers, whilst generally drowning my sorrows in cheap and nasty instant coffee.
It was however, very nice to see some friends who made the effort to come and see my work, Claire and Nat from Masterfoods; Julia, Chris and Tegan and my parents and brother, it's always nice to have supportive people, but a bit of a shame that none of them are designers to be able to really cheer me up. My friends on the course have been suspiciously quiet when it comes to praising my work, with the exception of Tom, however I don't trust that he's not just saying nice things to make me feel better.
Results were released on the Tuesday and my tutors also obviously didn't believe in my work, and I scored a massively below standard 59% for the project, further confirming my belief that I should maybe give up designing and do something else. If you can't be great at something, why bother?
Needless to say I went to Glastonbury with a distinctly bitter taste in my mouth, I tried to enjoy myself, knowing that I'd been waiting 2 years for it, and that it was the celebration of the end of my degree, however my mood was in general that of a loner, and I spent a lot of time away from the others, not able to face their enjoyment and happiness. I spent a lot of time aimlessly wondering around the site, not really engaging in anything, and thus missed the majority of bands I wanted to see, and not really discovering any other fun things going on around me.
By Monday I was drained and just wanted to curl up in my own bed alone. The girls came home with me however, and after a 6 hour journey from the festival site (I live 20 mins away on a normal day) we all fell into bed, not even realising the flooding in Sheffield had taken place. Thank god I was home, the poor girls had 10 hour long train ride home, not knowing whether they'd be able to get any further north of Derby. they did however finally get home.
So now I'm home. Mum has been on my back about getting a job, I had only been home a day before she's barged into my room and demanded to know what I was going to do with the rest of my time. I mentioned how I wanted to travel before getting a "real" job which didn't go down too well. I have breathed an inward sigh of relief that she's gone on holiday for a week today, so I can get myself together and rested without her vicious and nasty attacks.
I think I envisaged this post being super long, but really it's difficult to think back 2 weeks with much clarity that you feel at the time. Needless to say I did enjoy a bit of Glastonbury, the Show wasn't that bad, and I can't wait to leave home already.
Oh and I got a 2:1 in the end...
Posted by
4:45 pm
1 requests for silence