Wednesday, July 25, 2007

EDW: Emma Watson

It seems only yesterday that I was nominating Aishwarya Rai for EDW, and this week, I am yet again stuck with who to nominate.

I'm going to keep in the tone of the last few days (no, not horrendous flooding), but Harry Potter.

And I'm going to nominate Emma Watson for the EDW this week. I think that despite her young 17 years she manages to look an awful lot more elegant than girls of a similar age (I'm thinking Charlotte Church when was 17, falling out of pubs).

Consequently we've never seen her doing silly things, and she attends her premiers in tasteful and beautiful dresses (again not revealing all her flesh).

Maybe it's partly to do with her French heritage, or maybe just that she "were brung up well".

Oh yeah and she happens to be incredibly intelligent (apparently she is on a path to become a lawyer, although I dare say she'll find it dull) and isn't letting the fame go to her head.

A true role model for today. Shame the kids don't look up to her like that do the other coke-sniffing, binge drinking ladettes we have now.

Oh and Stu will love these photos...won't you? hehe


S said...

What an elegant little tinker she is.

Quink said...

Oh please. Don't let her become a lawyer

Glamourpuss said...

Excellent choice. She is gorgeous.
