Wednesday, August 08, 2007

EDW: Elizabeth I

ok, so an unusual choice I think, and certainly historical in many ways however this lady in my view goes some way to promoting feminism. The pioneer if you will.

Ok, so she didn't marry, and she viewed the ordinary woman's place in society in a very traditional way. But she proved that a woman could rule, and rule well. For 45 years. Certainly a long time in today's era of monarchy at any rate, let alone in Tudor times. She secured a house for her dynasty (albeit removed on her death and replaced with the Scottish Stuarts). And forced her image to transend from mortal to god.

She encouraged exploration and in those days, with Protestant England paling into insignificance against Catholic Spain, she held our corner well. Her navy defeated the Spanish in battle. Her political moves out foxed Philip of Spain many times (and had the paintings to prove it).

She ended up with an iron rule over England and her colonies, and through all this was the centre of the English fashion world. Women wanted to be her, men wanted to be with her. she was fierce and fiery, fashionable and beautiful (ok so we might not think so now)

But who else could pull off collars like this? And who else could get away with wearing a white mask when all her skin had rotted off from the lead make up? Who indeed could wear that beautiful hunting outfit at the top without looking like a plonker? (Ok I concede that anyone of that era could, but how fabulous to be able to wear that??)

And I love the fact she gave her half brother this portrait of herself when she was 13 for his birthday! As if he could forget her!

1 comment:

Glamourpuss said...

Excellent choice! I love ER I.

Have you ever read any of her writing? She was the author of elegant verse, too.
