If you can't be employed, fill your day with beauty treatmentsSo Tuesday I dyed my hair, yesterday I extensively exfoliated and moisturised in preparation for today when I fake tanned. I'm not a huge fan of faking the tan, but with a family risk of skin cancer I leave the house in no less than factor 15-20. Generally I do get a light tan on my arms from just being out and about, but my legs never budge from milk bottle white. Not to mention the lack of a summer this year, so I've decided to fake it, just to take the edge off. I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to get coverage on my back yet - I'm also too tight to pay to have it done for me...
So rather than bringing sexy back, I'm bringing white back. Get it. Oh it's tickled me...he he he
I've also found this updated plug in for Mozilla, so you know what I'm listening to. Cool, eh?
Now playing: Kasabian - U Boat
via FoxyTunes
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