Thursday, September 27, 2007

Email testing

I've decided to try out the whole Blog by email to see if I'll be able to blog whilst at work.
Having read the email/internet usage documents it seems that blogging during work is prohibited (not surprising really, so I have no issue with it), however I am allowed to send the occasional personal email...  Otherwise I'll be having to leave the blog unattended for up to 4 weeks during my time in B&B, sans connection.
The B&B incidently, isn't actually a B& seems that it is actually almost an old fashioned boarding house for the company.  There are going to be 4 of us staying with the nice Scottish lady until we find places to live; an English guy, a French girl and guy, and me.  Apparently people are all moving in and out at different times so I'm not sure who will be living there at what time, but I'm actually looking forward to going now - I think it'll be a bit of an adventure meeting all the new employees! 
Myself and Mrs Scot had a nice little chat on the phone, about where are good places to live, if I needed collecting from the station (rather generous!), and about her daughter who's home from uni and staying there.  I think we're going to get on well.
Right it's off to the doctors for me now - I have a mystery illness that also has contributed to my pension problems that I need to sort out before I'm completely unentitled to any money!

Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. It's easy! Try it!

1 comment:

Glamourpuss said...

What an adventure!
