There's something not right today. I couldn't shake the feeling all day and I've not figured out what it is for sure but I have a feeling it might be something to do with a touch of loneliness. I still don't have proper friends down here, although each day I am growing closer to more people; spending time with CT last weekend showed us we have lots in common, even if at work we're stilted around each other, and the French students have taken me under their wing - we're having dinner tomorrow night and a trip to London on Saturday; plus Mrs Landlady and T have welcomed me into their lives with the warmth of the 2 wine buffs they are.
But I miss Julia and Tegan sorely, their presence in my life is a soothing balm of reciprocal level headed mothering, support and friendship
I guess I'm saying I want a constant in my life, other than myself (let's face it I'm unreliable for company)
Now playing: UNKLE - Lonely Soul-Feat. Richard Ashcroft
via FoxyTunes
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Posted by
9:48 pm
1 requests for silence
I've finally resorted to looking less fabulous - I'm just too cold at work to go without either a huge jumper, or a long sleeved t-shirt under my pretty tops. I just need to be warm. So somehow I've got to find a glamourous alternative, that doesn't involve sitting in my beautiful frock coat...
I'm still listening to the mix tape - 16 hours of music in short bursts takes a while to wade through, I've been delighted with all the artists but feel distinctly like I'm out of touch with good music - I've always counted myself as an indie chick; worn the badge proudly and unbendingly dedicated myself to digging out cool new indie bands. Only now I'm starting to feel ashamed of my arrogance - I'm loving the "electronica" on this tape, and the jazz I've seen recently. I should be branching out, only I don't know where to begin - I've ignored all these other types of music for so long, years.
Time to expand my horizons...talking of which French lessons are starting soon...
Now playing: Frou Frou - Maddening Shroud
via FoxyTunes
Posted by
7:34 am
1 requests for silence
Monday, November 19, 2007
Mix Tape
He made me a mix tape, and apart from being filled with tracks I adore but had never heard before (a hard task to achieve), it's incredibly sweet and retro cool.
And he's reminded me how much I love Elbow, which must be a good thing.
Now playing: Elbow - Any Day Now
via FoxyTunes
Posted by
7:38 pm
1 requests for silence
Sunday, November 18, 2007
This week has been good, and no late nights either! However I have a feeling that I'll be working late this week coming up - bummer!
On Wednesday night, I had the delightful privilege of being invited to a French birthday party, having perfected my party etiquette over the years, I arrived on time, with presents for the hostess, and an arrival gift. Unfortunately I have perfected my English etiquette, and felt that I fell short of the mark. Despite this, the evening was funny, with witty insights to English life provided by the Spanish and French among us; and we all discovered that men are just as much a mystery in any country, as they are here, although surprisingly the girls reckon English men are easier to read...(maybe they're just more well versed in the technique of flirting than the English girls assembled)
Friday night was the big dinner, and a good time was had. Having left work at 11.45, CT and I headed over to the train station, only to see the train departing...he was man faffing. Anyway once we were on our way the journey to London slipped by easily and we repaired to M&S at Paddington for food. On from there we made it to the hotel, despite me forgetting to bring my A-Z and poorly provided directions on the behalf of CT, I'm ashamed to say that he actually managed to spot the hotel before me, putting my directional abilities to shame (first man I've met who can do this mind you...!)
We had a tense few minutes checking in, when only 1 room could be found, all due to his very confusing double barrelled surname, but thankfully after a lot of explanation 2 rooms were produced! He even had the cheek to suggest that I could sleep on the sofa; although I had previously suggested he could sleep in the bath so maybe his offer wasn't that nasty after all.
Having arrived so early to the hotel, I managed a 2 hour nap before getting into my glad rags and heading down to our drinks reception, where we met CK and her fiancée (F), and I promptly discovered myself to be highly allergic to CK's perfume - from then on I had to stay at least 3m from her at all times, which was a shame.
On arriving at the Hall for the do, CT and I couldn't help but giggle endlessly about the funny names we could provide to the announcer on our entrance, but we chickened out at the last minute, which was a slight relief upon entering the room to find at least 500 people staring at the entrance... The dinner itself was interesting, many pleasant people, a 70 year old woman with an Amy Winehouse inspired beehive, the Ceremony of the Loving Cup (there's innuendo in there somewhere) and the waiter pouring cream sauce over the entire front of my plum silk dress (I'm not sure if the dry cleaner will be able to get it out, but here's to hoping!).
Our company also cleaned up at the awards, gaining 15 of the 28 prizes and winning the "Best in Show" award, so we went onwards with much hilarity to Ronnie Scott's, where we had the entire of the front floor to ourselves, and were able to be seating within a metre of my new hero. Curtis Stigers was out of this world, truly amazing, the songs were hypnotic, and beautiful, and as a jazz vocalist he was awe inspiring. We all had an excellent time and sat up drinking hard core cocktails until 3, when we where kicked out and headed home to the hotel, which upon arrival was proved to be still open. Needless to say I didn't get to bed until 5am, and was awake with sleeplessness at 6.30.
Having dragged myself down to the dinning hall with CT, CK and F for a hearty breakfast, CT and I headed off to the National Portrait Gallery for the Pop Art exhibition and Tate Modern for the new installation which I don't know the name of but is essentially a giant crack in the floor. CT reaffirmed himself as the King of Innuendo and we wondered round taking arty photos of the floor, and comedy photos of us pretending to be giants and cracking the floor. Much fun. (Photos coming soon to a Facebook account near you...)
We also hunted out WHAM! by Lichtenstein to finish off the Pop Art tour, before heading home (after a miss directed wonder through St Paul's gardens and me stepping in a puddle and completely soaking my right foot - which CT paid for later by rubbing it in that he had warm dry feet, when I playfully punched him and left the most enormous bruise...)
Having finally driven home and arrived at 8pm, I had some dinner and was in bed by 9pm...
Good times.
I've still got to go to British Museum, and the Dome for Tutankhamen, and Terracotta Warriors, but I couldn't get tickets. I'm also saving couture at V&A for another trip, plus finishing the Portrait Gallery, and the National Gallery - not to mention a visit to the Globe and doing the Barbican...
Now playing: Mr Hudson & The Library - Ask The DJ
via FoxyTunes
Posted by
11:02 am
requests for silence
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A full week has passed since I last blogged, and it really doesn't seem like it should have done!
Work is full-on and challenging, but I'm getting there, and I'm also learning to say no to new projects, not least until I've finished some of the ones I've started. Needless to say I've been working late and enjoying working late (it reminds me of the endless nights at uni, working through until midnight before collapsing into bed). I haven't been working that excessively hard, but still, it's enough. Consequently I'm battling tiredness in that endless way I seem to do, but managing ok.
The weekend was spent scouring the shops for a dress, shoes and accessories for the dinner on Friday night - resulting in a delightful aubergine number from Ted Baker's outlet store in Swindon, and an enormous quantity of money spent in Accessorize.
I've also decided to see something in London on the Saturday as I'm there - I'm thinking Pop Art at the National Portrait Gallery, or a visit to The Tate, as I've only ever been to Tate Modern. Obviously this is all hangover dependant...
Friday night itself is shaping up to be very exciting; a range of pre drinks with several customers, private transport to and from the dinner, and we're going to the very prestigious Ronnie Scott's jazz club to see Curtis Stigers. I'm well excited, innit. (Plus I get a half day off as the pre-drinks start mid afternoon...I'll be on the ProPlus then...
Posted by
10:23 pm
1 requests for silence
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Open Mouth, Insert Foot
Whilst discussing top and tailing with friends during bed shortages (eg after a night out, between moving house), a colleague and ex-uni mate pronounces she'll never top and tail with me.
Shocked, and mildly surprised, I protest at the top of my voice and in the middle of the office...
" But I'm AWESOME in bed"
I'm never gonna live that down...
Posted by
10:57 pm
requests for silence
Monday, November 05, 2007
While I sit here and reflect on the remarkable coincidence that my blog colours match my surfer inspired bedclothes (which I've had for months) I shall let you in on a little secret...
I have a "date". Now I say "date" because I'm not sure if it counts...I've been invited to be the "plus one" of one of my fellow designers in the office to that inaugural event that is the trade industry annual dinner next Friday. It's a chance to dress up and have a grossly overpriced meal at a top London hotel, and this girl wasn't gonna say no.
So far, no date. However the guy who asked me is a true gent, and bless him, went bright red when asking me, using the immortal "date" phrases like "don't feel obligated to say yes" and the uber-flattering "I thought of a few other girls, but as it's an industry thing, I thought you'd be the best choice". Well thanks, I feel top of your pile now. But anyway the chance is there to go out and have a laugh with friends from the office, get dressed up and network the room.
I think it'll be ok...I hope.
Although at the minute I'm sharing a room with him...each pair of tickets comes with a double room...I need to get onto the hotel sharpish, but I reckon I'll be out of luck :(
On the up side, you know you have an awesome job, when your boss actively encourages you to spend 3 days perfecting Harry Potter style name badges for everyone in the office and all the meeting rooms, just because he wants you to get it just right and not rush the job...
Posted by
10:46 pm
requests for silence
Saturday, November 03, 2007
I'm a SEA, yes that's right I am a "Science and Engineering Ambassador" working with children in schools and youth programmes to encourage children (and especially girls) to enter the world of Engineering.
Now why I am a SEA, I'm not sure...I'm not an engineer and I most certainly know very little of science, other than some remnants of A Level stuff on chemistry and materials science from uni.
However having spent a morning teaching ***yes me, teaching, in a school!*** I have been invited as a positive role model to help young women into the industry. (Apparently being an Industrial Designer "counts" as engineering! HA, what world are they on!!)
Still I'm only obligated to undertake one activity with the children per year, having already spent a morning in a school, taking 2 tours round work and soon to be going into 3 schools for a critique session on their design work, I think I've done about 5 years worth of engagements.
Still who'd have thought? I positively hate all children (with notable exceptions for my delightful baby cousins) and can't imagine being a teacher, however I get to "do my bit" for a charity, help people, and work pay me to do it. Get in.
Oh and it looks great on the CV
Selfish? Moi? Mai non!
Posted by
9:12 am
1 requests for silence
Friday, November 02, 2007
Post Secret
I saw a secret on the website, and thought I recognised the handwriting and the secret. But this was a week ago now and the postcards have changed. I wished I'd saved it. If it was you, I'm sorry for everything.
Posted by
11:00 pm
requests for silence
The Long Way
God where do I start? I've been disappeared from this blog for over a week, and have precious little to show for it. It's hardly like I went on holiday!
Firstly I recently moved house and have literally only just sorted the internet, so that my excuse, and I hope I haven't lost too many readers (although numbers are dwindling at an alarming rate!)
Guess it means I should make a decent entry.
How do you fancy hear about my trip to Amsterdam? Yes, ok then here goes.
Alarm seems to be going off, I don't understand as it's still dark outside, but rolling over I see that yes, it is 3.30am and I have to be up to catch the first flight out of Heathrow for my exciting adventure to the land of clogs. I manage to stumble around my room, stand on a plug and stub my toe, all without waking up the rest of the house (well, does the cat count?).
Stumbling out of the house in high heels and a respectable trouser suit I thank my lucky stars that the car isn't frozen over (time is currently 3.55am, the taxi is leaving work at 4am...I'm cutting it fine). Arriving bang on time I meet the other guys and we have surprisingly easy banter with the taxi driver all the way to the airport and manage to check in before security is even open (current thoughts: does the world exist at this time of day/night/twilight zone? what happens if I say "bomb"?...will I get to go back to bed?)
An extraordinarily large cup of tea and a pain au chocolat later and I'm on the KLM flight. At this point I'm convinced that I'm being flown today by the men in the Grolsch advert and the cheese and ham sandwich served for breakfast at 6.45am doesn't go down well. My stomach start to reject the ham and cheese and starts to remember that in less than 4 hours I'll be pitching ideas to an enormous company. Bricking it, moi? Non.
Amsterdam was lovely, again entirely populated by people who I am convinced will tell me that they'll "only let me drink it when it's ready", however the rain and odd proliferation of enormous decorated clogs doesn't put us off and the meeting is completed successfully if a little lengthily. The taxi banter on the way back to the airport is first rate, and I decide that actually G is nice, as well as gorgeous....Get in.
After a lunch of cheese and ham sandwiches, and a long wait at the airport (I still can't get over the difference the smoking ban makes here; you only notice when its not the same in other countries) and a relaxing nap with the iPod, we were back on the plane being fed yet more cheese and ham sandwiches.
I ended up back in bed by 10pm, but completely exhausted for the rest of this week.
In other news; my housemates had a halloween BBQ, which was quite a success and I met lots of lovely people (even though I retired to bed at 9.30...) and I'm counting my incredibly lucky stars that I moved out of the B&B, I've now had to become the master of deceptions - inventing meetings with friends, family outings and general engagements to avoid the tired advances of the Old Man. He really won't take no for an answer and I've taken to hiding in the office at lunch, avoiding him and leaving requests for dates unanswered. And he still hasn't got the hint. I wonder if I should go into work with it tattooed on my forehead. Mind you he'd be too busy gazing at me in a vomit inducing puppy-eyed stylie to notice.
Work is manic at the moment, and I'm rushed off my feet (in a great way) however I have earnt myself a reputation for wearing 4 inch heels - it seems that people at work don't see them often as they're always commenting. Maybe they don't like me being 6ft 2...(mind you I don't like being 6ft2 but I just love pretty shoes....)
So, from now on back to the regular posting and I promise to attempt to catch up with my blog reading
Posted by
10:26 pm
1 requests for silence