This week has been good, and no late nights either! However I have a feeling that I'll be working late this week coming up - bummer!
On Wednesday night, I had the delightful privilege of being invited to a French birthday party, having perfected my party etiquette over the years, I arrived on time, with presents for the hostess, and an arrival gift. Unfortunately I have perfected my English etiquette, and felt that I fell short of the mark. Despite this, the evening was funny, with witty insights to English life provided by the Spanish and French among us; and we all discovered that men are just as much a mystery in any country, as they are here, although surprisingly the girls reckon English men are easier to read...(maybe they're just more well versed in the technique of flirting than the English girls assembled)
Friday night was the big dinner, and a good time was had. Having left work at 11.45, CT and I headed over to the train station, only to see the train departing...he was man faffing. Anyway once we were on our way the journey to London slipped by easily and we repaired to M&S at Paddington for food. On from there we made it to the hotel, despite me forgetting to bring my A-Z and poorly provided directions on the behalf of CT, I'm ashamed to say that he actually managed to spot the hotel before me, putting my directional abilities to shame (first man I've met who can do this mind you...!)
We had a tense few minutes checking in, when only 1 room could be found, all due to his very confusing double barrelled surname, but thankfully after a lot of explanation 2 rooms were produced! He even had the cheek to suggest that I could sleep on the sofa; although I had previously suggested he could sleep in the bath so maybe his offer wasn't that nasty after all.
Having arrived so early to the hotel, I managed a 2 hour nap before getting into my glad rags and heading down to our drinks reception, where we met CK and her fiancée (F), and I promptly discovered myself to be highly allergic to CK's perfume - from then on I had to stay at least 3m from her at all times, which was a shame.
On arriving at the Hall for the do, CT and I couldn't help but giggle endlessly about the funny names we could provide to the announcer on our entrance, but we chickened out at the last minute, which was a slight relief upon entering the room to find at least 500 people staring at the entrance... The dinner itself was interesting, many pleasant people, a 70 year old woman with an Amy Winehouse inspired beehive, the Ceremony of the Loving Cup (there's innuendo in there somewhere) and the waiter pouring cream sauce over the entire front of my plum silk dress (I'm not sure if the dry cleaner will be able to get it out, but here's to hoping!).
Our company also cleaned up at the awards, gaining 15 of the 28 prizes and winning the "Best in Show" award, so we went onwards with much hilarity to Ronnie Scott's, where we had the entire of the front floor to ourselves, and were able to be seating within a metre of my new hero. Curtis Stigers was out of this world, truly amazing, the songs were hypnotic, and beautiful, and as a jazz vocalist he was awe inspiring. We all had an excellent time and sat up drinking hard core cocktails until 3, when we where kicked out and headed home to the hotel, which upon arrival was proved to be still open. Needless to say I didn't get to bed until 5am, and was awake with sleeplessness at 6.30.
Having dragged myself down to the dinning hall with CT, CK and F for a hearty breakfast, CT and I headed off to the National Portrait Gallery for the Pop Art exhibition and Tate Modern for the new installation which I don't know the name of but is essentially a giant crack in the floor. CT reaffirmed himself as the King of Innuendo and we wondered round taking arty photos of the floor, and comedy photos of us pretending to be giants and cracking the floor. Much fun. (Photos coming soon to a Facebook account near you...)
We also hunted out WHAM! by Lichtenstein to finish off the Pop Art tour, before heading home (after a miss directed wonder through St Paul's gardens and me stepping in a puddle and completely soaking my right foot - which CT paid for later by rubbing it in that he had warm dry feet, when I playfully punched him and left the most enormous bruise...)
Having finally driven home and arrived at 8pm, I had some dinner and was in bed by 9pm...
Good times.
I've still got to go to British Museum, and the Dome for Tutankhamen, and Terracotta Warriors, but I couldn't get tickets. I'm also saving couture at V&A for another trip, plus finishing the Portrait Gallery, and the National Gallery - not to mention a visit to the Globe and doing the Barbican...
Now playing: Mr Hudson & The Library - Ask The DJ
via FoxyTunes
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Posted by
11:02 am
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