Saturday, November 11, 2006

A Fool Tampers with Her Coding

Ahhhhhh *sigh*

All really is back to normal now. And that'll teach me to tinker with the html code from the page source information, instead of the template code.

For those who have no idea about html and what I'm talking about - I shall now try to explain

**eyes glazing over**

Html is the language that websites are written in, and you can have a quick look at any source code if you go to View>Source in IE, or View>Page Source in Firefox.

If you copy and paste that source data into a web-editor like Microsoft FrontPage, you can edit it and make changes - however on a site like a blog (or news site) where the content changes regularly, you have "dynamic tags".

Dynamic tags give instructions to the browsers to take the newest information from the server (like new posts).
On this site it means that my most recent posts appear.

However if you edit the Page Source code, this just uses what has appeared on the site - so the actual text for each post, not the dynamic tags.

When I made my changes, I edited the Page Source code, thus removing all the dynamic tags, meaning that the page content was no longer dynamic, but static, just showing the content from the point in time that I copied the content for editing.

This probably makes no sense at all, but at least I feel like I tried....

CADing is going ok, my tutors didn't like my newest work, but I've taken the attitude to screw them!
I just need to make sure my boards make my product work, and make them work for me!

I'm also looking forward to the new James Bond film, it should be good - I was never a real fan of the "polished" Bond - having read the books, it was really annoying to see that the imperfections in his character were glossed over and the fact that he regularly got drunk in the books and cried were disregarded.
Well I'm not expecting that in full force, but it'll be great to see Bond get back to basics!

I'm going out for dinner tonight with Isabelle and her housemates (I think!) so that'll be a nice break!

had better get back to it

Hugs and kisses xx

Fact of the Post: It seems right and fitting that we remember our dead - god knows what I would have been like if I had lost my father in any conflict.

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