Sunday, April 01, 2007

Playing catch-up

I need to catch up with some 3BTs...

1. Finishing my transcriptions of my interviews and having to elaborate on Mannington's single syllable Neanderthal grunts

2. Getting tipsy on wine for the first time in a long, long time

3. The Let Down by Radiohead, it's depressing to some, but soothing to me.

1. Having a mid afternoon nap, and feeling the sunlight streaming in through my windows onto my face as I wake up

2. Sitting and reading in the conservatory, watching the bird playing and bathing in the newly dug pond, oblivious to my presence

3. Helping Mum out in the garden, she's struggling with removing nails from a piece of wood and I go down to help her. We end up planting her water lilies and reeds, before hammering back a fence panel. She rewards me with a drive in her new car.

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