Wednesday, November 01, 2006


A few days ago I said how I was looking forward to sleeping better.

Well last night and the night before I woke crying hysterically because of what now seems to be a recurring dream.

I go to have a tattoo on the top of my arm (!) and then don't remember anything else. When I wake up in the dream, I have been tattooed all down my arm, all over my back and down the other arm.

I'm crying and totally freak out, all I can think of is how hideous I look and how no-one will ever want to touch me or stroke my back ever again. And knowing that my life will never be the same again has me wake up with a jolt, and I've actually been crying in my sleep and am totally hysterical.

Needless to say this isn't conducive to a good night's sleep.

Its funny tho, when you're little your nightmares are about monsters under the bed and getting lost or separated from your parents.
I haven't had nightmares for a long time since will before my teens, I really enjoyed the adrenaline rush of being chased by soldiers (seeming the only version of a nightmare I had).

And now this. Its strange, I never thought myself to be vain, but that's what it feels like this dream is about.

Or maybe its about taking a path down which there is no return, and being totally scared of the consequences, or making the wrong choice.
Either way it seems to have a deep resonance with me at the moment.

Fact of the Post: People living in Bath are the most likely to win Premium Bonds

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