Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Man about a Dog

**Firstly, hello to anyone who has seen this blog on my MSN name, its boring, but feel free to have a read ;)...I have deleted one post as it reveals too much about other people!**

Well its another new day in the Big L and I'm not feeling too great.

Struggling with the workload as usual, I have a "date" with Mazim the (Iraqi) electronics guy.
I have a feeling I'm going to have to let him touch my leg in return for some help - Yes I really will pimp my body for the sake of my degree - I call it Dedication.

I'm also going to see a man about a dog...*ahem*...wind turbine - but I don't know what I'm going to ask him... :S

I was sending out some emails yesterday but no-one told me that one of our tutors (that we all find a little difficult) had been CCed in - how glad am I that I didn't call him by his (rather unflattering) nickname...its was a close shave...!

Right off to the labs for more heated blanket fun!

**saw this and was reminded how cheeky (ex)students can be...**

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