Sunday, December 03, 2006

How Ellie got her Groove Back

I'm getting into the groove with my drawing and sketching now, although there was one disastrous drawing last night.
I'm aiming for a good whole day without too much faffing around, and hopefully getting a few other people's opinions on the concepts to start screening out the rubbish ones!
Time to dry my hair and get on I think...

3 Beautiful Things

1. Oversleeping and rushing around to get ready without losing too much time, only to open the curtains and get blinded by the sunlight, realising that it's a beautiful crystal clear day.

2. Doubling up my two duvets for a 27 tog effect...toasty

3. Hearing next door's kids singing in an indecipherable foreign language and dancing around in the room next door, rather than sat on their backsides watching TV

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