Saturday, December 02, 2006

Three Beautiful Things


I'm just settling down to work and its already 3pm!
I've decided to make this blog more positive and as I've always enjoyed Clare's posts at 3BT I thought I'd take up doing the same thing.

I think it's nice to look for the positives and enjoy them

1. Seeing the look of delight on Kate's face when she realises I've come to watch her play hockey.

2. Going to lunch at the Orange Tree with Tegan, Julia and Russ who I haven't seen in 3 years, and joking like old times.

3. Convincing a (long) lost friend to come round for a cup of tea, and knowing that I'll have to cajole him into drinking it all.

The fancy dress last night was good, although there was a disappointing turn out from the finalists - I think there were about 7 or 8 (out of 40 who showed up) in fancy dress...GI Jane, a nurse, a Mexican and of course a Christmas Fairy...There's gotta be a joke in there somewhere.

Well I need to get on with my sketching, but a nice relaxing night in is what's called for I think, maybe more late night showers and Robin Hood *bliss*

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