Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Bugger Bugger Bugger


unfortunately that cold has decided to set itself in, and although not too bad, I do look more washed out than beige on a lion.

I've been up for hours too, as i couldn't sleep, and I know why it is, because I'm not getting enough physical exercise, just sitting at my desk all day...not that I can so much now I feel poop!

Anyway I'm going to head into Sainsburys when I've scrubbed up a bit and stock up on drugs...so far the list stretches to...

Night Nurse
Day Nurse
Listerine (brilliant at soothing sore throats)
"fruit" in all is genericness
and chocolate...

I'd also like to point out that I'm not intending on mixing and matching my drugs, as I'm not stupid, but its always good to be stocked up!

hi-ho, hi-ho, its off to Sainsburys I go...

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