Monday, February 12, 2007


Kate has baked the most amazing Victoria Sponge, completely perfect in every way and its all been eaten!

The project for DesignWeek is going well, I've got some good ideas and some great ideas, and I'm just finishing off a page of variations for one of the designs. Then onwards to concept selection, which I want all sorted before dinner tonight, then I can get on with detailing.

On the detailing front, if I'm to make one of my ideas credible then I really need to resolve all the manufacturing issues - if I do it well, I could score highly, if its slightly unconvincing then I'll lose substantial amounts of points. For my design the key detail points are size and manufacturability. Size will be a little tricky, but doable, manufacturing will be do-able, but will it be believable??

Mood rating 4/10, still got loads of ideas, but starting to get twitchy and panicky about the "credibility" of my project...all manifesting itself in shaking hands - not good for drawing...

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