Saturday, July 07, 2007


Not much has happened in the last couple of days, apart from immense amounts of cramming on 3ds Max, ready for Monday, I also went in search of the company for the interview and couldn't find the office at all so tomorrow, Dad and I are going to have a wonder around a bit and dig them out from whichever hole they're hiding in!
And for a change the weather has been sunny, previously with all the flooding and Sheffield being under 2m of water, I don't think anyone thought we'd get some sun. So today was a nice change.

Many, many things to do tomorrow, so a proper post then, not now when I'm completely shattered!


Glamourpuss said...

Good luck, my dear!


ERA said...

meh, interview went ok, but I think the job would be way out of my depth, I'm not really skilled at redesigning supermarkets in Russia...

Glamourpuss said...

I think some would argue that's a good thing...
