I've always been intrigued by the site Post Secret, a fascinating world wide confessional site that is changed weekly (meaning unfortunately if you want to relive any memorable postcards you ahve to buy their book...not impressed)
Anyway it got me thinking about my guilty secret.
This one is not an "ultimate" on the scale of dirty secrets, but stretches back to 2003.
I had just started uni and was very much into my music scene, finally able to be an indie-chick without being rinsed like at school. I came across this singer in late 2003-04 and listened to the bootlegged demos I found on the internet. There were only 4 or 5 songs available at the time and I loved every one. I was however being rinsed at the time for a *shameful* love of Keane, so kept this new man to myself.
Anyway skip forward approx 1 year when I met my boyfriend of the time, I'd lost interest in this singer but at this point he was starting to get some small scale radio play, both boyfriend and I loved his work and listen to it for hours on end. Towards the close of that academic year (2005) we were both so heavily into our work that we rarely if at all listened to music (too poor for iPods, too busy for radio) and it wasn't until we got to Glastonbury 2005 that we spotted our beloved singer on the line up, 12pm on Sunday. Hugely excited, we turned up at the appointed time to find huge crowds come to so OUR singer. We couldn't understand it, but loved his set so much.
Now I'm not a sentimental type, but we were both moved to tears at some of the songs and it left a profound effect.
It was only when we got home and switched on the radio that we realised he wasn't just our beloved singer anymore, he was number 1 in the charts. *Gutted* (yes I'm one of those anal people who hates a band/singer once they become mainstream)
Can you guess what it is yet? (in Rolf Harris stylie)
Yes, my guilty pleasure is this man...
(I'm so guilty about it, I refuse to even name him on here)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Guilty Secrets
Posted by
3:29 pm
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"Thou shalt not stop liking a band just because they've become popular".
oh I absolutely adore that Dan le Sac song, and it does make me giggle at my own irony at that lyric, but still I can not help myself!
I fear I may have leave you now.
I'm sorry :( *sniff*
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