Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Black Crayons

Having had my minor doubts yesterday, I set about today anew.

My big intention was to foam model all day - which I did, only I produced complete rubbish! I have a new plan for tomorrow - I'm going to go into the labs tomorrow and work in there - I didn't realised they were still open until Mannington told me today!

This does however mean that I need to get designs ready for tomorrow so a long night of sketching is ahead of me, usually I'd be disheartened, but I'm actually quite upbeat, which is a miracle considering that I managed to slice open my thumb and half my finger on my left hand today...

*there was a lot of blood, but I'll all bandaged up now...with masking tape...*

I do however have 6 ideas all ready to be drawn, and they're sat on post-its lining the top of my monitor (not exactly aiding my use of the computer I have to admit....), although I've lost my drawing crayon. I have plenty of crayons to draw with but this one is my favourite and the only one I'm really comfortable to draw with.

Now the non-designers out there will be scratching their heads and possibly asking questions such as "ermmmm...why not just use another...?"

Well the answer is that each single crayon is different...Different brands have different textures, waxiness, hardness or smoothness, and I can't find the brand I like (Faber-Castell) anywhere up here in Loughborough, which means I'm having to use Caran d'Ache which is hard and dull. This means my natural "flow" with the crayon has been interrupted and my sketches feel lifeless and undynamic. With a little effort and some pages of rubbishness, hopefully I'll be able to get a good flow with the new pencils...*crossed fingers*

I am aware I'm being completely pretentious....

Had better get on with it!

3 Beautiful Things

1. Finally seeing the wood from the trees and a path in the right direction

2. Finding Nemo...

3. Stu patiently listening to me last night and offering support even when I threw it back in his face in my sadness... :)

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