Monday, December 11, 2006

Coursework, Coursework

Today, although being productive in tying up loose ends from all my projects, feels like I haven't managed to get much work done. It's now 8.30 and I need to start some heated seating, but its hard to start something like this at this time of night.

The days will be taken up with electronics so I need to get on with the sketching in the evenings - not an easy task tbh.

At least I have 4 days to get on with it, I'm not planning on doing anything sparkling for the presentation on Friday, just quickly add some splashes of colour in photoshop, and I'll be away - that can even be done on the day! I do need to produce some foam models tho, which do take time, and so I do need to crack on...

3 Beautiful Things

1. Finishing all the coursework ready for Friday, leaving a whole week to concentrate on heated seating

2. Having a string of visitors throughout the day at my house and offering each one a cup of tea

3. Getting a friend into Pride and Prejudice and chatting about it for ages!

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