Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The last few days

Well I tried to post last night, but being incredibly stupid, I tried to plug my camera cable into the on/off button of my computer, and it shut itself down...bugger

Anyway I can't really remember what I was going to post so I'll have a stab in the dark!

Nothing's really been going on chez Ellie, yesterday was spent trawling round 4 DIY stores to find cement and I still didn't find the right stuff - I'm off to the garden centres today to see if I can find some of the right stuff.

In other news, I have succumb to legal music downloads and I've downloaded Amy Winehouse's album and I'm listening to it so I get my money's worth - lets hope I don't get too sick of it!

Yesterday I also helped Mum and Stu strip the living room and dinning room for a new carpet - Stu burn the tiniest hole but Mum insisted on having the whole thing replaced - which is happening today. So last night it was homemade burgers picnic stylie...


1. Climbing to the top of Cley Hill and admiring the view, if a little hazy

2. The warm weather, lovely for working outside

3. Getting 2 questions right on the final of University Challenge...I can't remember what they were now...d'oh.

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